Chapter 10: The News

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Here she was again; searing orange numbers burning into her skull as she waited, foot tapping rapidly against the hardwood floors. Emma attempted to keep her expectations low over the past couple of weeks, knowing that the blow wouldn't be as hard. What worse news could there be other than a negative? Well... perhaps there were other things that could take the category miles down the road...

The blonde shooed the thoughts away and looked upon her wife who smiled nervously, her hands pressed into her lap. They were currently on the couch trying to distract their buzzing minds. It was hard, Emma had found, as she caught herself wandering back to the cooking results in the bathroom. She knew that she wanted it to be positive, but suddenly, the thought sent a shock of dread throughout her being; because if it was positive, that meant that Regina was pregnant, and if she was pregnant, that meant there would be a baby.

And Gods, how am I going to take care of a baby?

Emma didn't know why she had suddenly thought of that because she wished that she hadn't. Her heart was racing in her chest. She had told herself that she was ready, she had told Regina that she was ready. And there was no going back on it now.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?" Regina asked quietly beside her and squeezed her leg, forcing the blonde from her stupor.

"Uh... y-yeah, I'm fine." She offered a weak smile and hoped that it passed off since she was slowly losing confidence in herself. "Are you?" Her voice cracked slightly and she wanted to hit herself.

Regina didn't say anything, if she had notice and, instead, answered, "yes. Well, I must admit, I'm a bit nervous. Gods... How long has it been?"

Emma bit her lip slightly and brought her eyes back to those mocking numbers across from her. "Five minutes, baby," she whispered, finding her hand moving to set on top of the one still on her thigh. She gave it a reassuring squeeze even though she was the one that needed it.

"Okay..." Regina murmured and then went quiet again, donning a small smile.

The blonde let the silence surround her. She didn't know whether that was a good idea or not, but she didn't dare complain. Swallowing once again, she peeled her eyes away from the time and land on the gray kitten at her feet, playing with a small, toy mouse. She smiled.

Milly had grown, but only slightly, over the past month since they had adopted her. Her coat had become slightly darker and the stripes even more so. Her heart squeezed in her chest at the sight of their special furry baby. In about ten minutes, they would know if they would be giving her a sibling.

Panic seized the blonde once again because they were really doing this. She could be a mother. Gods, she had never thought that she would be a mother to an actual child. Emma found her eyes on her wife at the thought and couldn't help but to grin.

Her worries seemed to have melted away when she looked upon the goddess before her. Regina would be there with her to raise this child; theirchild. And the thought of that seemed perfect. Sometimes she just couldn't fathom how she had gotten so lucky to be where she was today.

Emma smiled but it hadn't lasted long when she felt a sharp pain in her leg. She let out a distressed yell when she looked down to see Milly clinging to her bare leg as if the kitten's life depended on it. "Thank you, minion of Hell. That's all I needed today was to bleed my own blood."

"Oh, dear..." Regina chuckled softly before bending to relieve Emma of those sharp needle-like claws. "At least she didn't jump on your ass and hang on."

"That was hilarious." The younger woman smirked at the thought.

Milly, a few days ago, had been stuck on the couch. After Regina had stood and was about to walk away, the kitten decided to hitch a ride and jumped right up to dig all four sets of claws into her bottom. Emma may or may not have taken a picture or two of the incident while the older woman had freaked out and attempted to remove the new growth.

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