Chapter 4: The Birthday Gift

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It was the harsh rays of morning light, bathing the room in a golden glow, that had aroused Emma from her slumber. She groaned softly, slapping an arm over her eyes, shielding them from the menacing beams. But, to no avail, she couldn't find comfort in her new position and, instead, popped upright with a whine.

"We need to get something to block that," she complained to her stirring lover.

"Mm, go back to sleep, Emma." Regina's hoarse voice rumbled from beside her. "We've had this discussion before. You broke the blinds."

"We need to get more." Emma huffed before laying back down, admiring the beauty before her, drenched in sunlight. She drew a hand to the brunette's bare back; fingers danced along the olive toned skin.

The woman below those fingers hummed in approval before a snore tore through, leaving the blonde to laugh.

"Huh?" Regina popped her head up, eyes sagging with the remnants of her slumber.

"You. Snoring." Emma whispered, pale digits floating down the older woman's back to the small apple just above her rump.

"I'm tired," she complained, her head back on the pillow. "You kept me up late last night with your... shenanigans."

The blonde snorted. "Shenanigans?"

Regina groaned softly, burying her face within the cotton of her pillow. "I have to get up early in the morning for work. I had been up since seven yesterday morning and you kept me up until almost five last night."

"This morning," Emma pompously corrected, a smirk on her face.

"Don't make me shove a pillow in your face, Emma." Regina threatened, hand already reaching for the blonde's pillow.

The blonde merely grinned. "It's the weekend, now. You can sleep in."

"You aren't letting me sleep in." Regina mumbled, eyes squinted as she peered over her lover to the clock on the other side. "And it's not even nine! I thought you hated mornings?"

"I do," Emma shrugged and continued to trace a path up her lover's spine. "The sun's too bright."

"You broke the blinds," Regina reiterated, her voice a soft growl. "Your fault."

Emma gave her a smug look, "I know."

"Go to sleep, Emma."

"So, I've been thinking, Gina." Emma started, earning another groan from her counterpart. "We should get matching tattoos."

"What?" Regina squinted her eyes, head now poking up to stare at the younger woman.

"We should get match-"

"I heard you the first time. What on Earth brought this on?" Regina's attention was now gathered as she tossed onto her side, facing the smiling blonde.

"Your tattoo. And I kinda want to get one, too. I think it'd be cool." She shrugged.

"They're permanent, you know." Regina's brow quirked. "And they hurt."


"So... Emma." The older woman clucked her tongue. "What were you planning on getting?"

"Matching tattoos. You know, where we both get one." Emma shrugged, "whatever you want to get."

Regina sighed softly. "And where would this be at?"

"I don't know."

"You want to get a tattoo, but you don't know what of, or where to put it?"

"Uh... That sounds about right." The blonde gave her lover a cheeky smile. "I wanted to talk to you about it and see what you thought."

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