Chapter 5: The Search

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Slipping into the current of city life made the days short and the months shorter. School had taken a mere fraction of the day, leaving many hours to be enjoyed by an average student in the bustling city. But, for Emma, it had been spent behind the counter of a pizza shop, earning cash that Regina had been quick to decline when offered.

The blonde had desired to help contribute to the extravagant apartment and the money that it had cost. Guilt had eaten her away mere months after moving in, regardless of Regina's reassurances that she needn't pay a thing; that she was in school and had enough on her plate.

Over time, Emma gave in to Regina's persistence and quickly collected the money into a rather hefty sum. It sat in her newly opened bank account for a rainy day. A rainy day in which she had been planning for months ever since the idea was planted into her brain.

It had been filed in the back of her mind, though, as the days had seemed to melt together. She needed to gather enough money to go through with this plan and she couldn't fall short. Time seemed to slip through her fingers at an alarming rate and, before she knew it, she was already three months into the new school year.

It was within that eleventh month of the year did she call upon Graham for assistance.

The two had reconnected last year- spending more time with one another. He had eventually visited the apartment with his jaw to the floor. Regina had chuckled and greeted him before the two got into a discussion over their apartments. Emma had watched on with a smile, even as the young man disappeared behind the front door.

Their relationship had grown- Regina's and his. The brunette hadn't been as uncomfortable around Graham, Emma had noticed, as the night had progressed. She had even frowned when the brunet man had announced the time and departed.

Over the months leading up to the present, the three of them had even gone out together for lunch or dinner and had fun. It warmed Emma's heart to see her lover smiling as she spoke with Graham; with a friend. Regina always seemed lonely when she was in a crowd.

That was one of the reasons why Emma had chosen Graham to help her out with her super-secret plan. That, and he was her only friend that currently lived in Boston since both Ruby and Belle still resided in Storybrooke.

Emma had reiterated her plan to Graham over the phone and currently stood with a grin on her face.

"Wait, what?" Graham's voice queried over the line.

"I want you to help me pick out a ring." Emma repeated, a chuckle lilting her words.

"You're going to propose to Regina?"

"Yeah," the blonde answered, pacing across the kitchen with a sandwich in hand. She leaned against the counter closest to the front door, taking a bite of her lunch and stared at the wooden barrier as if Regina were to walk through at any given moment. But, Emma knew that she wouldn't. The brunette was at work and wouldn't be home for another four hours.

Graham's voice pulled her from the thoughts starting to form. "When are you going to do it?"

"On our anniversary in a couple of weeks." Emma's eyes never left the door. "I have it all planned out."

"I wouldn't doubt it." The blonde could hear his tongue click. "Are you ready to get married?"

If Graham were in front of her, Emma would be glaring at the man, but he wasn't, so the wrath was instead directed towards the unfortunate door before her. "Of course I am."

"I didn't mean it that way!" His words were rushed, apologetic. Emma chuckled. "I mean... you're only twenty, Em. I'm just concerned."

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