Chapter 13: The Arrival

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"I feel like a fat penguin, Emma."

Emma rolled her eyes at her wife's words as she looked at the woman clad in a black-and-white dress that reached her ankles. "No, you aren't." She moved to tuck a wayward strand of hair behind the older woman's ear. "You're beautiful."

Regina's face told otherwise; her darks eyes glazed with an irritation that had been present since the start. "Look at me," she hissed quietly, moving closer to the young woman. Her eyes darted to the people around them, though they stood several feet away.

"Do you want to leave, babe?" The blonde frowned slightly and touched her hand when it slid along the soft material of her dress.

"No." She let out a resigned sigh. "It's your thing and I don't want to ruin it." It was referring to a small party the people at her station had thrown together for Emma's boss since it was the man's 25th anniversary. She dragged her poor wife along, not wanting to go alone, and since she had been holed up for a few days, Regina didn't mind.

"Besides," she continued, offering Emma a small smile, running her fingers through her hair, "I wanted to get out. I'm just..." Regina shook her head slightly, looking down to her stomach. Emma so kindly thought it looked as if she stuffed a watermelon under her dress, but quickly demolished the thought before she let it slip and upset the woman further.

"I know, baby," she murmured, chuckling a bit. "I'll give you backrubs when we get home?"

"That would be wonderful, dear." The older woman moved from Emma's side to head toward a table that held several bottles and cans of drinks. "My back has been aching for some time, now." Emma followed her with a frown. "And I think I ate something... or..."

Regina had shrugged before taking a bottle of water and cracking it open, but her words had the blonde's frown deepening. "Why? Do you feel sick, baby? Maybe we should go home?"

But the brunette shook her head and offered a smile on those sweet red lips. "No. It feels... uncomfortable. It doesn't hurt. I just... I think something isn't agreeing with me. But the feeling doesn't last long so I should be alright for now."

"Oh, really?" Emma slipped her fingers between her wife's free hand and squeezed. "If you're sure."

"I am. I want you to have a fun night, sweetheart." She felt a pair of lips press against the skin of her cheek and hummed when it sent shivers down her spine.

Emma nodded slightly, her cheeks darkening, and leaned against the table as well, eyes observing the small room filled with her colleagues and their partners. Then she noticed one in particular moving their way through the crowd and to her, a friendly smile on his face.

"Hey, Emma!"

"Graham." Emma greeted her friend once he reached the two, though he didn't stop until he reached behind her to grab a can of soda. "When did you get here?"

"Not that long ago," he replied, cracking open the can to take a sip. "The traffic tonight is unreal."

"Tell me about it." She huffed softly. "I thought we wouldn't make it."

"Oh, you're being dramatic." Regina chuckled and pressed a kiss to the side of her head.

Emma only snorted. "So, how have you been, Regina?" Graham turned his attention to the brunette and took another drink. "How are things with the little one?"

"Oh, don't get her started." The blonde playfully muttered before her wife could answer. "She's about ready to carve the baby out herself. Ow! Will you stop doing that?" Emma crinkled her nose and held her stinging arm.

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