Chapter 11: The Appointment

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"Come on, Gina. You need to get up." Emma stared at the lump on the opposite side of the bed. She couldn't believe that she was the one begging her wife to get up. Usually it was the blonde that was sleeping in, but lately, she found that Regina had taken those extra minutes to snooze.

"No..." The blonde heard a soft groan from the blanket log that was her wife. "I just got comfortable."

"It's almost ten, baby, you have to get up." She frowned slightly and inched her way over to the brunette who had huffed and flipped onto her back, dark eyes glaring at the disturbance. Emma offered her a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry, you cute little panda bear. But we have a doctor's appointment, remember?"

Regina huffed softly. "How could I forget?"

"We get to see our baby again." The blonde continued, running her fingers along her lover's jaw. "I know you like these appointments. And the little bean has grown."

The brunette's lips twitched slightly, but the smile didn't appear. "This little bean won't let me sleep."

Emma pouted. "It's not the baby's fault."

Regina sighed softly, defeated. "No, it isn't... I just wish it wasn't so damned uncomfortable." The brunette attempted to sit up, but found it hard to do so as the blankets trapped her against the mattress. She shot a heated glare at her lover once again.

Sheepishly, Emma moved to allow her wife to sit up, the blankets getting thrown off the older woman and onto her. "Sorry, baby."

"Yes, well, at least you don't have your organs doing the shuffle into your diaphragm." She grunted softly, her brow creasing, as she gently rubbed her swollen stomach.

"Oh, come on! They're not doing that." Emma pressed her lips together, a frown slowly appearing on her face. Sometimes she wished she could take away all her wife's discomfort, but she knew that she could, and the best that she could do was cuddle the brunette until she felt better.

"Do not make me fight you, Emma." The brunette looked up with a twinkle in her eye. It was then that Emma smiled, a soft chuckle falling from her lips.

"We get to find out if we're having a boy or a girl today," she murmured softly. It was then that Regina finally smiled, something large and easy. "There's that smile," Emma purred, tracing the older woman's lips with her fingers.

"Well, damn, I was hoping to keep from doing that."

Emma rolled her eyes playfully and crinkled her nose. "I love your smile. It's beautiful."

"I know. You keep telling me." The blush still came, though, powdering Regina's cheeks in a soft, pink hue.

The blonde lost herself in her lover's features, thinking of luck and love. With a soft sigh, she dropped her hand to Regina's stomach and softly massaged the small bump. "We need to go before we're late."

"Of course." The brunette let a soft sigh fall from her lips at the gentle contact, her eyelids fluttering slightly. "That feels nice..."

"Always with the tummy rubs." Emma smirked and slipped her hand underneath her wife's pajama top to trail her fingers along the warm skin. "But I don't mind."

Regina rolled her eyes at the remark before seizing the younger woman's hand, giving it a soft squeeze. "Come on, Emma. You said we need to go."

"I know," Emma whined softly before reluctantly pulling away from the brunette. With a sigh, she climbed off the bed and offered Regina a hand. The brunette stared at her for a moment, brow quirked, before she took the offered hand with a roll of her eyes.

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