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"Okay goodnight" you said rushing out of the convince store where you had just finished an 8 hour shift, luckily you were able to pick up a few snacks before your shift ended . Putting in your earbuds you began to walk down the street until you heard yelling and fighting, you always knew it was bad to stick your nose where it didn't belong but you were beyond curious.

"DIE BASTARDS!" You head some yelling as he was in the middle of a fight with 10 people coming at just him. He had long black hair and beautiful brown eyes, standing there as the group charged at him he put his hair into a ponytail and began to smile. You didn't know what to do, impulsively you started to head over to try and talk some sense into them.

You didn't want to see anyone get hurt so you wanted to try and stop them from doing something horrible, after all it was 10 people against just him. Shocked you looked up to see that the black haired man had already taken out 5 of them. 'He looks around my age no way he just took out half of them' you thought to yourself, after another minute all of them were on the ground.

"Woah" words just came out of your mouth without you thinking, looking up at him you hoped he didn't hear you. "You saw all that? Pretty neat huh?" The mysterious boy began to walk over to you when you noticed one of the guys he beat up start to stand. He grabbed a glass bottle and threw it at the dark haired boy, "WATCH OUT!" you screamed in a panic.

Looking over his shoulder he was able to somewhat dodge the bottle, it hit his shoulder leaving him bleeding from a few shards of glass that had stuck in. "SHIT! You are dead!" the black haired male started to beat the shit out of the man who threw the bottle at him to say the least.

"Hey my name is y/n, there is a convince store around the corner i'll grab some medical supplies and help you out just stay here okay?" you walked over to him begging to say trying to get a closer look at the wound. "It's okay I will walk with you! I don't want to stay here with these assholes, I am Baji by the way." Baji said walking beside you allowing you to lead the way.

After a short walk he waited outside while you ran in and grabbed rubbing alcohol, tweezers and bandages, luckily you worked there so you got a discount and didn't waste all your money on supplies. Walking out of the shop with a bag you began to say "there is a park over here let's find a bench to sit at." Nervously you looked over at Baji waiting for him to sit up and start to walk, "fuck, I cut my finger trying to get the glass out" Baji grunted while standing up and walking towards the park.

"You do know the whole reason that I am here is so you don't hurt yourself getting the glass out, right?" You joked glancing over to see him laughing. "Alright sit down here" You demanded as he sat down taking off his jacket so his shoulder was exposed. "So you are in a gang?" You mentioned motioning to his jacket, "Yeah Toman, one of the founding members actually" he spoke proudly.

The two of you talked while you continued to pick glass shards out of his arm, he told you everything from the gang to the fact he got a held back a year. You sat there and listened for about 25 minutes until you were sure all the glass was removed. "Alright I need to put some rubbing alcohol to clean out the wound it's going to sting" you said in the most reassuring tone you could, "Hey I am a real man I can take a little sting" He joked arraigning his posture preparing himself.

"Okay I will could down, 5...4...3...2..." You quickly poured the rubbing alcohol on quickly not wanting to hurt him, he spun his head around and made direct eye contact with you. You had never just sat with someone looking at you and you felt kind of nervous, after a few seconds he broke the silence.

"Maybe you should be held back a year if you can't remember the number one" Baji laughed with a giant smile on his face, "I did it on purpose thank you very much, I didn't want you to be expecting it so it would hurt less." "I don't think that's how it works, like at all" He yawned standing up and holding out his hand. Taking it you stood up as well and went to let go but he continued to hold your hand, looking up he acted as if nothing happened but you were okay with holding hands so you left it as is.

"Alright now to repay my debt I will give you a ride home" Baji said leading you near the ally again. "It's okay it's really a lot of trouble I live over by Shibuyu Middle that's way to far of a walk" you declined his offer not wanting him to worry since it was a 40 minute walk. "Who said anything about walking?" confused you turned to him as he motioned towards a bike on the side of the street. "Is that yours?" You asked puzzled, tossing you a helmet he sat on the bike. "Yup all mine now hop on and hold on tight!" Baji smiled and you could feel your heart racing as you got on the back of the bike.

"You know you have to actually hold onto me" He joked as you wrapped your hands around his waist holding on. As the bike picked up speed you held onto him tighter, you felt safe with him, you layed your head on his back staring at all the cars you passed. Before you knew it you had arrived at the middle school, "My house is just across the street thank you so much for the ride it was so nice to meet you" you spoke softly sad you had to leave him.

"This isn't nearly enough for how much you've helped me today thank you" He stood up and began to walk over to the apartment you had previously motioned towards, you grabbed his hand for the shirt walk knowing you didn't want this to end. "Thank you again but sadly this is where I live" you said looking up at him. You could feel your cheeks turning a bright red, and noticed his were doing the same.

"Hey listen one thing before I go" Baji said taking a breath, he leaned over and grabbed your waist pulling you into a kiss. You couldn't believe what was going on you cupped his face slowly kissing him back, after a moment you pulled your face away from his and spoke softly "until next time." Clearly you were both sad to say goodbye, Baji began to walk away mumbling "until next time. Both of you had a giant smile on your face and began to wonder when you would meet again.


A/N: Hey guys thanks again for reading I took a bit more time with this story I hope you enjoy!

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