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So I accidentally deleted the other one, yes I am aware that I am a dumbass. I will try and re write it like the original but some details will be different, I am so sorry thank you for understanding!

Request from @jiholover sorry again :)

It was late at night around 11pm, you were riding around town with Izana. You and Izana had been friends for a few months, and to be completely honest you were head over heals for him. Leaning your head on his shoulders and holding onto his waist you breathed in the night air, the street lights were dim so you could still see the stars in the sky. To you this was a perfect night.

"Shit there is a meeting" You woke up from spacing out to look at Izana turning the bike around, "there is no time to drive you home so just wait out front. He looked over his shoulder at you and your heart almost stopped seeing his bright purple eyes, all though his eyes felt cold and alone you always wanted to be the one to change that. Flashing a smile he began to speed up, you were honestly pretty exited to meet some people in Izana's life.

You arrived at an abandoned bowling alley, the lights on the sign were still flickering. "Wait out here" Izana pointed over to a bench and walked inside the building. You put in you earbuds and played your favourite playlist leaning your head over the bench looking up at the stars, you zoned out which seemed to be a habit. Hearing the doors squeak open you spun your head hoping to see Izana.

Looking in front of you disappointed to see a tall guy standing there lighting a cigarette, he had dark hair with blonde on the front part. His hands had tattoos that read 'sin' and 'punishment' you caught his eye and he began to walk over to you. You wanted to make a good impression on what could be Izana's friend so you made room for him to sit next to you. "Want one?" he offered a cigarette with a smile spread across his face, nodding you grabbed it and put it in between your lips lighting it.

"The name is Hanma, and you?" He spoke, "y/n" you replied begging to get a bad feeling about him. "And what brings a pretty thing like you here?" He began to say with his true intentions being revealed, "I am waiting for someone." He glared over at you who had a smile on your face, he sighed and grabbed on of your earbuds and moved closer to you in order to have it stay. "Nice taste in music" he said putting his hand on your thigh, looking down you grabbed his hand in order to remove it when you heard the squeak of the doors once more.

Looking up you saw someone with short white hair looking around and as he turned to look at you his bright purple eyes caught yours, it was Izana. Walking over he pushed Hanmas hand away and grabbed yours walking over to the bike, you began to panic with what he had just seen. Hopping onto the bike he took of taking the most direct route to your house, "I'll kill him." You could hear Izana mumble un sure if it was because of the meeting or what he had seen after, taking a deep breath you held onto his waist as you had always done.

"You don't have to hold onto me, you have been on the bike enough times." He said sharply, the smile that was always on his face disappeared. You knew he wasn't happy but seeing that he couldn't even fake a smile made you realize something was clearly wrong. Holding onto the side rod the bike you sighed as you realized you had arrived at your house, taking a step off you could see Izana getting ready to leave.

"Wait Izana!" you shouted looking to see his head slowly turn over to look at you waiting for you to continue. "I'm so sorry if I made you mad, I swear Hanma just started coming into me the feeling wasn't mutual it looked bad but trust me he isn't the one I like." The words just began to come out of your mouth and you didn't know why. Looking at you still dis-satisfied, "I don't care about you, everyone is simply just a tool you are no different. Why would I get upset when I can do whatever I want? I am a king after all!" He said but you could tell he was upset with the fact.

"Listen Izana, I know it's hard for you to let people in but if your would just say something you do know I would be there right? I will always be there for you because if you wanted me you could have me!" You shouted back at him not wanting him to leave yet, it took you a moment but when you heard what you had said your eyes instantly covered your mouth. His eyes widened after what you had said and he got off the bike and walked over to you.

"You may be a tool but I swear you are more important to me then others" he mumbled and cupped your face fulling you into a kiss, kissing back you felt as if you wanted to cry but you were just happy that he was okay. "Thank you Izana" you said after the kiss, looking into his eyes which seemed to have a bit more life to them.


A/n- I am so sorry for deleting the chapter I kinda hate this one but please let me know if I should re do it, I have a few other ideas so i might upload another soon. Thank you for reading!

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