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"Y/n it's time to wake up you don't want to be late for the first day of school." You heard your moms voice from your doorway as you buried your head into your pillow, attempting to fall back asleep your alarm went off waking you up once more.

It was the middle of the school year and you were starting at a new school, your dad had recently passed away and your mom wanted a fresh start. getting up you put on a pair on black jeans with a white shirt and black coat, you had never been one for fashion you had always just wore what you were most comfortable in.

"Bye honey have a great day and just remember that I am working the night shift today so I won't be home all evening!" your mom waved as you walked out the door and headed to school. Kicking the rocks on the ground you tried to walk as slow as possible to avoid school, eventually you arrived at school 20 minutes late. Walking into the office the lady guided you towards your first class, since you were a transfer student you just got put into random classes.

First subject was math, what a great way to start off the day. You had managed to get through all your classes and you just had to go to your club, looking you were in home ec. Wanting to just leave you rushed over to the class and walked in, you saw a class full of girls who were sitting by sewing machines. You sat over in the corner and began to sketch while waiting for instructions.

A few seconds later you heard the class say "good afternoon president." Turning up you saw a boy with silver/lavender hair he had lilac eyes and a warm comforting smile, instantly you could feel your cheeks turning bright red. Quickly you turned back to your note book while the rest of the girls were sewing, since they were all making outfits you decided to draw an outfit in your notebook.

"That's really nice, you should make it" you heard a soft voice right behind you to see the boy referred to as president standing by your side. "Sorry your new aren't you? I am Mitsuya!" He flashed the same comforting smile as before waiting for a response. "Hey I am y/n I just transferred here nice to meet you" you managed to mumble, he seemed so nice you could already feel all the butterflies.

"So you wanna make that into something?" He asked pointing at your drawing, you had never learned anything about making clothes and you were extremely nervous. "Sorry but I don't actually know how to do any of this" you attempted to say without sounding like a complete fool. "Oh here I will help you! I have nothing else to do" he grabbed your hand smiled and lead you over to the fabric. He began frantically picking random rolls showing them to you, nervous you seemed to nod at everyone he showed.

Sitting back down you had cut out the fabric with him and just had to sew it together, he was standing beside you as you were sitting in the chair. He powered on the machine and waited patiently for you to run it through. "Um I might sound like a fool but I don't actually now how to work this thing at all" you said having a small chuckle to hide your embarrassment.

"I am so sorry I completely forget here let me help you" he leaned over you and put his hands on yours pushing through the fabric. Mitsuya was now behind you with his hands on yours, he was practically hugging you. His head rested on your shoulder as he stared intensely at the machine, you had felt so safe and warm. You never wanted him to leave from this.

Hours went by and eventually you both finished the outfit, he held it up showing it to you. You had sparkles in your eyes, it looked identical to your drawing. You had made a black and white flannel and a black skirt, it seemed like so much for such little time but he has been doing this for a while. Folding up the items he handed them to you and the two of you walked out of the classroom.

"I can't wait to see you tomorrow!" he waved smiling as he ran to the parking lot, waving back you nodded and began to walk home. You couldn't stop thinking about Mitsuya all night and felt like a middle school girl. The next morning you put on the skirt the two of you had made with a black shirt and your flannel over top and walked to school with a smile spread across your face.

It was time for the club once more and you were so exited to see Mitsuya again and show him your outfit, you began to get nervous walking to the door. Opening it you looked over at Mitsuya helping another girl in your class, he looked back to see who had opened the door and his eyes widened as he looked at you. His cheeks got a bit more colour to them and he bang to walk over to you. "You look absolutely gorgeous y/n" he said smiling and blushing like crazy.


A/n: Thank you so much for reading I hope it was okay! I am so sorry I haven't uploaded in a while I hope you are all doing great make sure you drink some water and eat!

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