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Slight manga spoilers chapter 70.

"Hey y/n! Let's go schools over, why would you ever want to stay latter then you had to!" Your friend Emma sang skipping over toward you, sitting there you closed your sketch book and began to pack up all your school supplies. Emma had been your friend since the beginning of this school year so haven't known her for a long time, yet you and her were still really close.

"Okay so I was thinking we should go to the mall what do you think?" You mentioned to Emma walking out of your classroom "I heard a new bakery opened up and you know I can't hit try it" you continued looking at Emma for an answer. "Sorry I was texting Draken! How about we go to the mall?" Emma quickly responded turning to you with a smile.

"Draken really can distract you can't he" you laughed "I was just saying how there was a knew bakery opened at the mall that we should go to!"

"Oh that makes sense, common I don't have all day let's hurry up!" Emma grabbed your hand and ran to the bus stop as you saw the bus approaching. Panting you both made it onto the bus and Emma quickly sat at the front of the bus eagerly looking out the window. "Okay you never get this exited for the mall what's with the sudden burst of energy?" You questioned Emma curious with the sudden change in her personality.

"Well if you must know" Emma sighed "Draken texted me earlier saying Mikey heard there was a new bakery opened so he dragged Draken to the mall to pick up some sweets." Emma had one of the biggest smiles on her face, you had never seen her happier then when she talked about Draken so had to go along with her crazy plan. "I must say I am exited to meet Draken, you talk about him so much I need to see if he's as amazing as you make him seem." You giggled exited for the adventure that was about to happen, nudging Emma she looked to see that you had arrived at the mall.

"So here's the plan we will go to the bakery and we will just say that you want to try the new food and that will be our excuse, so just pretend you want to eat okay y/n?" Emma nervously spoke walking through the mall. "Emma I hate to break it to you but I am actually here for the bakery so there's no need to fake it" smiling you grabbed Emma's hand and walked around the corner to see the bakery.

In the line you saw a tall bay with a dragon tattoo on the side of his head and a long blonde braid, just like Emma had described him. Beside Draken there was a shorter boy, he had half of his blonde hair in a cute ponytails shirt the rest down, he was wearing all blue and had the brightest smile on his face. "Hey Emma who's that guy with Draken?" you asked pointing over to the line. "Oh that's Mikey, he's Drakens best friend and also happens to be my brother" Emma said picking up pace over to the line.

Looking over in shock you forgot Emma had another brother, you knew about her older brother who had passed away but had completely forgotten about Mikey. Before you realized it Emma had grabbed your hand and started calling out Draken and Mikeys names. "Hey Emma what are you doing here?" the taller male said in a deep voice, he was a lot scarier then you had imagined how that you were standing in front of him.

"Crazy seeing you guys here my friend y/n really wanted to check out the new bakery" Emma smiled pulling you closer to show that she didn't come here alone, your eyes moved over to all the cool snacks they had. "Oh nice to meet you y/n I am Mikey, you guys should eat with us now that your here!" Mikey said looking over at you with a smile, you felt your heart begin to beat faster. He had such a nice smile and was so eager to try all the sweets, it was the cutest thing that you had seen.

"Hey Emma, why don't you and Draken go find some seats I can order some food with y/n!" Turning over you saw Mikey pushing away Emma and Draken out of the line to go find a seat. Emma looked at you to make sure you were okay to leave you alone with Mikey, you simply nodded your head and motioned towards an empty table. It was now you and Mikey standing in line, you couldn't figure out why but your hands started to get sweaty and you could feel yourself wanting to let out a giant smile.

"Hey y/n can I tell you something?"

"Yeah what's up Mikey"

"You have to promise to keep it a secret okay?"

"Yes pinky promise" you said holding out your hand incredibly curious of what he was going to say. Sticking out his pinky you both swore on it, his hand was so soft even if it was only a pinky promise you didn't want to let go. "Okay secret time" Mikey began to say "Emma has a huge crush on Draken and I am trying to set them up because I want to see her this happy always." You never would have imagined Mikey to be so sweet, you were caught off guard and smiled back at him. "Today let's try and set them up, I will be your wing woman" you replied as his eyes lit up with what you had just said. 

"Deal welcome to the team, but first snacks!" Mikeys face turned back over to the snacks to see that you were up next to order. You both ordered plenty of cakes to share and walked over to the table, Mikey turned to you "I will make and excuse for us to leave just follow along okay?" Nodding you agreed and you both approached the table. "Oh they looks so yummy!" Emma said with the same light in her eyes Mikey had, you really could tell that they were siblings.

The three of you sat and talked eating all the cakes for around 20 minutes, you were waiting for Mikey to give the signal until you saw him start to yawn. Kicking his leg under the table you began to say "Hey Mikey I really want to look at the bike store, you know where it is right?" Taking the hint he stood up quickly. "Oh here let's pack up we can come as well!" Emma began to pack up the garbage and you hagen to panic not knowing how to separate from them.

"Okay we will race you there!" Mikey shouted grabbing your hand and running out of the food court leaving Emma and Draken confused.

"I thought the bike store was to the left?"

"It is but that way Emma and Draken won't be able to find us, and that means our plan worked!" Mikey jumped up smiling, he was like a child getting exited by the simplest things. You had walked around the mall talking about Toman for about an hour with still no sight of Emma and Draken, you thought you had pulled off the perfect plan. "Shit there they are quick over here" You could feel Mikey taking your hand and taking you into the photo booth next to you. 

"Hey let's take pictures while we are here y/n!" Mikey began to put in a few coins to the machine and waited for the start button to pop up. "Ready?" Mikey looked over at you with a huge smile and you could see his cheeks getting a bright pink shade. The screen displayed the words 'funny face' for the first one, the count down started and you puffed your cheeks and crossed your eyes while Mikey had stuck a finger on each side of his mouth stretching it open while sticking out his tongue.

The second was 'sleepy' you quickly laid on Mikeys shoulder pretending to sleep while he laid his head on yours as well, you both started to fake snore causing laughter to break out. The third popped up saying 'sad' begging to fake cry you looked over at Mikey copying your actions, trying to hide your smiles with the fake tears the last one was about to pop up.

Staring at the screen the words 'in love' had shown up, not knowing what to do with the quick count down you heard Mikey saying something. "Y/n look over here quick!" spinning your head around Mikey grabbed your face and pulled you into a kiss. His hands cupped your face and you heard the camera flick but decided to stay like this for a second. You put one of your hands on his face and slowly pulled away, both of your faces were bright red and you had both began to giggle.

You walked over to the outside to see the tickets printed. "I have to say I think we nailed that and there's even two printed so we both get one!" he smiled looking over passing you a strip with the pictures you had just taken on it. "I think we especially nailed the last one" you added as you both began to laugh drawing Emma and Drakens attention as the had just been passing by the booth.

"MIKEY! Y/N!" you could hear Emma shouting and you both walked over to them, tucking the picture into your pocket and seeing Mikey doing the same you caught up to the others. "We should all hang out again sometime" Mikey said looking at you as if he was trying to give you a hint. "Yeah that would be fun I can't wait" You and Emma began to walk off and while she was distracted you pulled out the picture you had taken with Mikey and looked at the last one seeing the two of you kissing. Smiling you turned to Emma and talked about how her and Draken looked everywhere for us, in the end you had one of the best days of your life.

A/n: Thank you so much for reading! Sorry this one is a bit longer but I love Mikey so much so I let it slide!

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