*chifuyu 2

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chifuyu x deaf reader
request @honneybxx_yams

Thank goodness it's Saturday you thought to yourself, you had decided to walk to the market and get some fresh fruits since there was a famous one in town this week. Walking out the door a light breeze hit your face and you smiled and continued down the street. The market was the same as every year but you loved all the samples that were displayed, plus if you need food anyways why not change up things rather then your normal store.

After an hour or two and of course after trying all the samples you began on your walk home, at the market you had gotten the food you needed as well as a few extra items. There were always free items given away to attract attention so you started a small collection of them, you had a notebook, a few pencils, stickers, a hat and some extra junk. Seeing a bright flash of light your head turned looking at the sky seeing all the clouds forming above your head, a few drops landed on your face and fell down your cheek.

Putting up your hood you began home hoping not to get all your items soaked, another flash shined again as you were turning your attention you walked around the corner knowing your route home like the back of your hand. Looking back you saw someone in front of you and the next thing you knew you were sitting on the ground in front of him, all your bags has spilled and everything was lying all around you.

Stressed you began to collect everything tossing it back in the bag, the boy had knelt down and began to gather up what wasn't in your reach. He had blonde hair with some hanging in his face, and bright teal eyes, he gave you a warm smile and you began to see his lips moving. The blonde was talking much to fast for you to read his lips, looking at him confused you pointed to ear and shook your head hoping he would understand.

The look of realization came over his face and he grabbed the bag beside you dumping out everything you had just picked up, angry and confused you glared at him as he grabbed the free notebook and one of your pens that you had gotten. He sat down in the middle of the sidewalk making himself more comfortable and flung open the notebook begging to scribble down something. Looking up with a smile he passed you the notebook and pen, looking down you read:

I am sorry for bumping into you, I want paying attention. My name is Chifuyu :)

Looking back up at the strange boy who had picked up the bag he had spilled looking for the notepad he smiled pointing at the page for you to write.

I am y/n it's no problem I should have been paying attention to where I was headed.

The two of you sat there for 20 minutes passing the pad of paper back and forth, he was one of the first friends you had since many people had gotten annoyed having to spell everything out for you. The rain began to pick up and the wind was blowing so you decided to tell him you needed to head home.

It's getting late I should head home.

Passing home the notebook you stood up grabbing your bags.

Okay I will walk you.

Chifuyu stood up a few seconds after taking off his jacket and tossing it over your shoulder while he grabbed the bag, you cheeks had turned a bright shade of red as you put on the jacket and you got a whiff of his scent. Smiling the two if you walked home and he would make goody faces at you the whole way. By the time you arrived home he put the bags down on your door step grabbing the note pad once more, few pages were left in the tiny booklet so he was forced to write small saving space.

Here's my number text me :)
I was thinking next time maybe you could start teaching me a little bit of sign language so we don't have to write the whole time!

Reading the words next time you smiled and looked up to him waving you goodbye and with that he was off for the night. Changing into sweats and a hoodie you kept his jacket on just to be reminded of the night you had just had, in all your daydreaming you had managed to fall asleep on the couch.

The next morning it was raining but you didn't want to waste a Sunday so decided to go on a calming walk. Leaving he house you were wearing jeans with a black hoodie and Chifuyus jacket which read "Tokyo Manji Gang". You put up your umbrella and walked to a near by lake, taking a seat at the tree you watched raindrops hit the surface of the water leaving ripples. Completely zoned out you looked at your phone seeing the time and deciding to head home, with a smile on your face you went the long way that Chifuyu walked you home the other night.

You feel odd and as if someone was there and as you were about to turn around you feel someone grab your shoulder, flinging you around you saw a group of guys head to toe in purple gang uniforms. Their lips were moving and you could clearly tell that they were yelling at you. You could make out a few words they were saying, none of which sounded like they had pure intentions. Afraid you turned away attempting to run away from the situation, your heart was pounding in your chest and your legs felt weak.

'Crap crap crap what do I do?' you thought to yourself, before you could think of a solution you were cornered by the gang. The leader went to reach out his hand towards you as you dropped to the ground curling into a ball, after a few moments you hadn't felt anything happened and decided to look up. Standing in front of you stood Chifuyu with bruises on his face and his knuckles covered in blood, walking over he grabbed your hand helping you up and flashing a smile that had finally made you feel safe.

The gang was scattered on the floor and the rain continued to pour as Chifuyu brought you in for a giant hug, you began to cry and you could feel your body shaking. The blonde boy stood there hugging you until your tears had stopped at which point you pulled away and he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. The both of you began to smile like idiots and he walked you home, he held your hand the whole way and same as last time continued to make goofy faces just to see your smile.


A/n- Thank you so much for the request I really hope you liked it! Thanks for reading have an amazing day/night!

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