⭐️ chapit sèz⭐️

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"Come on Mattia it'll be fun, plus you haven't seen vinnie's cousin in what? Two years?" Zach whined, wanting his little brother to get out of his funk that had him moping around the house as if mr.bubkiss went missing.

"I don't feel like partying Zach" Mattia mumbled from under his blanket.

The two had worked out their issues after not speaking for a month. When their mother found out she was furious and forced them to both apologize to each other for being so rude to one another.

After they talked and ironed out their issues, they became even more inseparable.

"Come on bunny, you'll have fun I promise" Zach reassured the younger "they'll have cake" Zach smirked making the younger peek from under the blanket.

"What type of cake?" Mattia asked curiously.

"Chocolate" Zach answered smiling

"Uhhh maybe I should go with you, just so I can watch the cake and make sure nobody smashes it" Mattia nodded, getting out of the bed.

Zach chuckled and shook his head "yeah okay cake police, let's get ready"


Mattia had nibbled on the cake every two minutes since they got to the party fifteen minutes ago.

Zach was a few feet away, over by the kitchen entrance with vinnie. The house was spacious, with a modern day design. It wasn't as nice as Mattia's house back in L.A bit then again, which house was?

As the boy stood next to the food table he skimmed over the crowd of teens and young adults. He saw nothing but loving couples, girls and guys, guys and guys, girls and girls. It was just so heart wrenching watching them be lovey dovey and he's all alone.

"Stupid ass Michael" Mattia mumbled.

The Italian felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned around, only to be met by Zach and vinnie.

"Hey matti, how you doin?" Vinnie asked the boy, concerned about his well being.

Mattia hadn't been coping well with the whole break up. He'd sometimes slip randomly and nobody would know unless they spoke to him.

"I'm fine" Mattia responded simply, not wanting to dampen the mood of the loving couple.

Vinnie sighed and closed his eyes, he might regret doing this but he needed Mattia to relax.

"Here, drink this" vinnie said, handing Mattia the cup.

The Italian grabbed it, smelling its contents and getting a very fruity aroma.

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