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"So Mattia, we saw that you recently told the public that you're in a relationship with influencer, Alejandro Rosario" Ellen smiled getting the crowd to clap and cheer.

Mattia was on the show for the second time in four months to promote 'Love, Victor' and his new show on Facebook Messenger 'Mattia's Marvelous Mishaps' where he tries new recipes and goes on different adventures.

Of course , Ellen would bring up his relationship with Ale but he was proud of his love life and how far he's come.

"Yeah we'll be celebrating three months of officially being together in a few days" Mattia smiled

"Three months? But they've been pictures of you guys together since last year" Ellen chuckled showing a photo of Mattia and Alejandro walking down the street while drinking coffee.

"That was simply two friends drinking coffee, I-I mean , we knew we liked each other but we also knew that we needed time to get mentally ready for a relationship" Mattia shrugged looking at the audience.

"So it's only been three months?"

"Yes but we've been friends for a year and some change"

"Do you think he's your soul mate?" Ellen asked making Mattia blush deeply.

"I think it's a bit early to say but I know that I do like him a lot"


The interview was finally over and Mattia was dying to leave. He loved Ellen and all but she was too pushy at times. Mattia walked out of the building, into the parking lot where his car was waiting for him.

"Good afternoon Mattia, where to?" The driver asked

" home please" Mattia responded, smiling politely.

Alejandro was at Mattia's condo, patiently waiting for his arrival. His mood contrasted Mattia's in more ways than one.

Alejandro was furious.

Mattia was supposed to tell the world that they've actually been together for a year. This was his perfect opportunity to be honest to his supporters.

At first, Alejandro wasn't mad but rather confused.

That was until he came to his own conclusion on why Mattia lied. Now there he stood in all his rage, ready to unleash it on his young lover.

"Ale I got us chic-"

"Sit" Alejandro said , pointing to the chair in front of him.

He was livid, just thinking about the possibility of Mattia protecting Michael's feelings after so long.

"Babe what's going o-"

"SIT DOWN MATTIA" the older yelled angrily causing Mattia to jump slightly.

"Okay okay" he mumbled sitting down, giving Alejandro his undivided attention.

"Mattia, do you love me?" Alejandro asked softly.

"Ale of course I d-"

"NO YOU DON'T" Alejandro yelled, balling his hands into a fist. He was sick and tired of Mattia lying to his face. There was no way the younger boy loved him, not with the way he kept hiding there relationship.

"What do you mean I don't?" Mattia grumbled, growing an attitude as well.

"You told me you would've told them the truth" Alejandro spat making Mattia shake his head.

"Is that what this is about?" Mattia whispered, looking Alejandro in the eyes. "Babe, you know I can't come out with that now, it far too late"

"Can't or won't Mattia?" Alejandro grumbled, growing angrier as seconds flew by. He was sick of Mattia hiding the truth about them.

"Alejandro, I literally came public with you is that not enough?" Mattia yelled, irritated with the older's childish behavior.

It all happened so fast, Alejandro didn't mean to but his anger got the best of him.

He slapped Mattia.

He hit his lover with such spite and anger.

"M-Mattia babe-"

"Leave me alone" Mattia whispered, holding his reddened cheek.

" 'Tia let's talk about thi-"

Before Alejandro got to finish his plea, Mattia ran to his bedroom locking his door. He couldn't believe the older had put his hands on him. He sat on the bed, letting his tears flow freely while he slipped deeper and deeper into thought.

"Mattia open the door, please let's talk about this" Alejandro pleaded from the opposite side of the door.

"No Alejandro just leave" Mattia spat back

The older was taken back by Mattia's harsh tone. It made him wonder if Mattia was tired of him due to how the younger said it so easily.

"Mattia , OPEN THE FUCKIN DOOR" Alejandro yelled "I swear to you I'll kick this door in if I have to"

"JUST GIVE ME SPACE" Mattia yelled pissing Alejandro off even more.


It fell silent for what felt like forever when it was really just a couple seconds. The door flew open and before Alejandro got to see Mattia, he felt a harsh sting on his left cheek.

Mattia had returned the slap he was given.

"Don't ever disrespect me like that ever again"

Without another word, the room door was slammed shut again.

The silence was scary, it was like somebody had sucked all the sound out of the condo. If a pin were to fall on the ground it would be heard perfectly.

A couple seconds after the silence had fell, a loud bang was heard.

Mattia jumped, snapping his head toward the door. The banging came through again and before Mattia could figure out what it was. His door flew open and Alejandro's leg was in the air, giving away that he kicked the door open.

"Alejandro what the-"

"You think you can hit me and get away with it Polibio?" Alejandro spat tuning to the boy and grabbing his hair. Mattia winced in pain, looking his lover in the eyes.

Alejandro had nothing but rage behind his brown eyes that were now black.

"You're sadly mistaken" the older growled before smirking. "We're gonna have a little fun"

"Ale I'm sorry" Mattia cried, regretting his decision of slapping his boyfriend.

"Fuck your apology, I should've never fucked with you" Alejandro spat, balling his hand into a fist and punching the taller in his face. That was just the start of the long and painful afternoon Mattia had to endure.

A/N: this has three more chapters to go and then it's all done. I'm excited to get to the end of it all. I love you guys muahhh don't forget to vote and comment.

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