Chapter 23 - AWOL.

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It seemed the sacrifice for one peaceful night was weeks of frustration and ignorance.

Tom had left for a 'business trip' not long after the New Year's Eve party, insisting that Y/N stayed at home. Y/N wouldn't have minded too much if it had just been Tom, but he'd taken the twins and Harrison with him too - leaving Y/N alone in the mansion made for 20.

He'd already been gone for 4 days by this point, and at the start Y/N deemed it as some time to relax without the boys yelling and clambering about - but by day 4 she'd taken enough baths and drank enough wine to cover the rest of the year, and was now sat on the patio in the back garden watching the sunrise; coffee in hand.

She was almost starting to worry about Tom. She'd heard from Harrison and the twins briefly for a few minutes every day, but she'd heard nothing from her lover - despite the trio telling her that everything was fine. Anxiety was starting to kick in for the small girl, and she wondered if she was just overreacting. Tom was a strong man, fearless, he could handle himself, right?And on top of that, she'd be the first to know if something was wrong... Right?


"Lass, you need to stop worrying. You've got to remember that he's running the biggest business in the UK, and one of the biggest in the world.." Jay soothed, trying to calm down a very anxious Y/N that was now pacing back and forth across the kitchen on his phone screen."But Jay, it takes a minute IF that to send me a text. Give me a call before he goes to bed. Something's wrong, there has to be."

Jay sighed through the phones speaker, lifting his glass to take a sip before he spoke again. "What's going through your head?"

Y/N stopped abruptly halfway across the kitchen, her head turning towards her phone that was a few feet away. "I don't know. It's just in my gut, Jay. The same feeling I had at the Halloween party that night, and look what happened then."

Jay noticed her face cloud over as she relived the night filled with crimson and screams - the night she almost lost her soulmate. "He's not alone this time though, he's not going to go running off by himself - you know that. Even if he wanted to, you know the lads wouldn't let him."

She sighed again, her nail tapping against the mug in her hand. "But what if something has gone wrong and they just aren't telling me so I don't worry whilst I'm here alone? What if they're fixing him up so he looks brand new when he comes home and I'll be none the wiser?"

Jay grumbled through the phone again. "Bab, you can't think like that. For all we know he could be perfectly fine and you're over here wearing away a trench in the kitchen floor. Seriously - stop pacing, you're giving me motion sickness."

Y/N stopped her walking again and came back to sit at the breakfast bar, almost smashing her mug against the marble countertop. "Fine. You're right. No worrying."


It was day 12 now, and Y/N more worried than she thought was humanely possible. She'd heard off the boys again, but the only thing heard from Tom was an "I'm okay. I love you." text 3 days ago.

It was very like Tom to drop off something short and sweet when he was busy - but he'd been gone for almost two weeks hunting Milani down now - she just couldn't understand how he apparently didn't have time to call her before he went to bed at night or when he got up in the mornings.

She'd invited Jay round to the house this morning; he had some errands to run but said he'd be over around noon - and Y/N had been staring at the clock in the kitchen for so long it almost looked like it was starting to tick backwards.

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