Flaming Dicks in the Sky

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The journey to New York was a long way from Detroit. Hours of hauling luggage through the airport and rushing to make your flight was a stress-inducing nightmare. Saying goodbye to your parents wasn't amazing either.

However, you were here now, and the front gates of Clover Academy were wide open.

Clover Academy was a rich people school, and rich people schools mean that there are workers to help you move in.

"Thank you so much," you mumbled for the thousandth time as the workers carried your several bags into the dorm. Each of the dorm buildings hosted one talent group, and lucky for you, yours was the smallest and most run-down of the bunch.

When you stepped into the dorm, you were greeted by the sharp scent of must, while dirt and grime covered the floors. There were kids tearing around the living space, throwing paint on each other, and panicking about a small kitchen fire that had ignited.

What in the world have I gotten myself into? you wondered.

Once the fire had been extinguished, the panic in the room began to cease. Only then did the students start noticing you.

"Oh good," a familiar voice called. "You're finally here." Behind you was Yami Sukehiro, the adult in charge of your new home. He cast an annoyed look towards the other students, still preoccupied with other things.

"You lot, get your asses over here!" he commanded.

"Yes, Captain, sir!"

You flinched slightly. You knew he was supposedly rough around the edges, but was he really aloud to yell at his own students like this?

The other members of the Black Bulls gathered around you, and Yami cleared his throat. "I told you all the other day that we got a new member." He looked at you, and you suddenly felt very small. "Introduce yourself."

"Uh..." you bumbled. "My name is Y/n L/n, I'm from Detroit and I'm happy to meet you all."

At first they all stared at you with blank faces. Then, they all started shouting excitedly again.

"My name's Asta, glad you're here!"

"The name's Magna Swing!"

"Nice to meet you, kid. I'm Vanessa Enoteca."

All of the Black Bulls introduced themselves and you were lost trying to remember all of their names. But you didn't have time to focus on that, since they just dove straight into more conversation.

The short, gray-haired boy named Asta grinned at you. "So, Y/n, what do you do?"

The other Black Bulls listened closely with interest. "I'm a dancer," you answered. "But I'm also in music as well."

Then, Asta's eyes turned all starry and weird. "That's awesome! I'm in music too! I'm a drummer."

"Great," you smiled. "I'm glad I'll know some kids in my classes."

Yami grunted something and walked away from the chaos. "You guys go and get acquainted or whatever, I've got somethin' else calling my name." He walked away rather stiffly, and you couldn't help but wonder if he had a cramp.

"Hey, I've got a question," you furrowed your brow. "Why do you guys call Yami 'Captain'?"

"Oh yeah," Finral began. "I guess you wouldn't know. Captain Yami doesn't really explain it all that much, but basically he used to be a captain in the Japanese Navy. Apparently he was a pretty tough guy, and we all just started calling him that."

A captain in the navy? That explains a lot. No way he'd get famous if he had the power to petrify every reporter who even looked his way, you thought.

Clover Academy {Luck Voltia x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now