Harsh and Demanding

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The boys (and Secre) started working on the music while Vanessa and you fled back to your corner. You all decided on the song Bad Romance, which coincidentally was one of your favorites.

Vanessa led you through the Black Bulls' version of writing songs and working on covers. Sure, it was easy enough for the singers, you just had to try and match the musicians. The band sounded scratchy and totally punk rock—which you loved.

Just another reason you were glad you were in the Black Bulls rather than a totally boring squad.

"Alright," Vanessa hummed, typing on the laptop. "Let's get these lyrics on paper, shall we?"

For two hours the band rehearsed. You'd heard the song so many times you wondered if it would ever fall out of your brain.

"How do their fingers not hurt?" you wondered aloud.

Vanessa laughed. "Although we are supposedly the worst talent group, we've still got plenty of stars in our midst. The other squads might be beautiful and classy, but that doesn't have a whole lot of appeal when it comes to the younger crowds."

You nodded. "Makes sense."

When the day was finally done, you were absolutely exhausted. Charmy cooked a huge dinner and you wanted nothing more than to go to bed.

Everyone passed out at around 9:30. Even though they'd all been used to the school day, they were still wiped out, and you were no different.

Just as you'd showered and crawled into bed, you heard a loud beeping noise that refused to stop. You left your room to go inspect it, and you found yourself in Noelle's dorm.

Turns out the loud beeping was the ringer on her phone, and she was getting spammed with texts.

Noelle's in the shower, you thought. So she's not here to stop me from making this thing shut up.

You remembered her icy cold glare, and the way she looked down at you. Surely she could last two minutes without getting notifications from her phone.

You set to turn DnD on, but couldn't help but notice one of the texts send through. It was sent by someone named "Solid"?

—Why are you even here you pathetic little worm

—You're a complete failure, and you never should've enrolled in Clover Academy!

—I'll make you pay for this...

Before you could read on, you heard an angry screech from behind you. Within an instant, Noelle snatched her phone from out of your hand.

"What do you think you're doing?" she squealed. "This is my personal property!"

"I-I'm sorry!" you stuttered, surprised. "I just wanted to turn the loud ringer off."

"And that means going through my private messages??" Noelle crossed her arms and stared at you. Her hair was still drenched so she'd clearly raced out of the shower to find you here.

"Like I said. I'm sorry. I just accidentally clicked on one by mistake," you (half) lied.

"I. Don't. Care." she huffed.

You couldn't really get mad at her for talking to you like that. After all, you did just snoop through her texts for no good reason.

You took a deep breath. "Well, it happened. And I think the more important thing here is that whoever this "Solid" guy is, he's totally bullying you."

As soon as you mentioned Solid, Noelle completely froze.

The hate fell out of her eyes and her arms fell slack at her sides. She stayed completely silent, and stared down at the floor.

Clover Academy {Luck Voltia x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now