I Should've Clarified the Last Chapter Name

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The class was long and exhausting. You see, in most cases, you wouldn't have the full attention of Ms. Charlotte Roselei. But now, she sent the guest choreographers to work with everyone else while she choreographed your solo.

"Change that into a side aerial," she corrected. For about the hundredth time, I might add as well. It seemed like she had a beautiful acro solo planned out, but beauty didn't really cut it for you. Now, she was making a high-energy dance with tricks and flips and everything you actually could do.

You had to admit, she was definitely a talented choreographer if she was going to make that adjustment.

This would be the only class where you got her full attention, so you wanted to make the best of it.

You were sweaty, out of breath, and aching down to your very bones. Only then, did Charlotte call the class.

Everyone met in Studio A and Charlotte dismissed us all. Luck ran up to me as I was heading out, with tiny beads of sweat dripping down his face.

We were heading to the same music class after this, so we might as well walk there together.

"How was working with Charlotte?" he asked.

"It actually went really well," you responded. "I like my solo a lot."

Luck chuckled. "That's good! And hey, guess what?"

You cocked your head. "What?"

"Everyone was talking about you!"

"What?! Well, what did they say?"

Luck booped your nose and ran down the hallway. "I'm not gonna tell you!" he shouted over his shoulder.

Good grief, you mentally rolled your eyes and snorted. He's so scatterbrained.

You made your way through the building to the music wing. There you spotted almost half the Black Bulls standing in a corner and several members of other squads warming up throughout.

"Hey guys," you jogged up to them. Luck, Asta, Magna, Gauche, Finral, Vanessa, and Secre were all waiting for you. "What's up?"

The Black Bulls greeted you, but before you could start chatting further, the class began. Fuegoleon Vermillion was one of the teachers of the music program, and you were just so fortunate to make it into his class.

"Good afternoon, class!" he practically shouted at you. "Please, take your seats!"

You took the open seat in front of Luck and beside Magna, and apparently, some poor guy who had been sitting there before looked almost relieved to have an excuse to change seats.

Fuegoleon cleared his throat. "I understand that some of you are new here. SO LET ME EXPLAIN HOW CLOVER ACADEMY'S ASSIGNMENTS WORK.

"Your squad is your most valuable asset. It consists of students of various grades, talents, and classes. There will be several times when you are given individual assignments, such as writing and producing a song. But there are other times when you must collaborate with your squadmates.

"When given a group project in here, you cannot work with anyone outside your squad! And the same goes for a few other classes as well. However, when you collaborate for a group, you are allowed to use students from your squad who are not in the course!"

You glanced over at Magna. Did this make any sense to him? Or were you just stupid?

"For example!" Fuegoleon went on. "If the Black Bulls were tasked with writing a blues song, they would be allowed to use any member of their squad to put on a performance, regardless of what their courses may be."

Clover Academy {Luck Voltia x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now