Unneccessary Backstory that Doesn't Really Advance the Plot

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You woke up to an infuriatingly loud noise. At first you thought it was your alarm clock, but then you realized it was just your squadmates. You groaned and rolled off your bed. Since the Black Bulls were so few in number, you all had rooms to yourselves.

You quickly got ready and left your room to greet your teammates, who were already eating breakfast. There was an empty spot by Vanessa, so you quickly sat down and grabbed a plate.

"So..." Vanessa greeted. "Are you excited for your first day?"

You swallowed your food and answered. "I'm kinda nervous. I don't really know what to expect."

"You'll be fine," Asta grinned. "Noelle and I have a few classes with you, so you'll be fine!"

You took a glance at Noelle, who was already giving you a cold stare. You certainly didn't feel comforted by having her in your classes.

Once everyone was cleaned up, you all headed out to the main building where your classes were. There were regular school classes in the morning, and electives in the afternoon.

Asta showed you around the building, and it turned out you didn't have him for any of your regular classes. You were in all honors, and Asta was apparently barely literate. You did have Noelle though, sort of, but she kept to herself in the back corner of her classes.

You kept pretty quiet as well, although you did meet one nice girl. Mimosa Vermillion, younger sister of Fuegoleon. She was a member of the Golden Dawn, and supposedly a fabulous singer and artist.

Your morning went by pretty quickly, and you finally survived until lunch. You and Mimosa parted ways as you saw the Black Bulls' lunch table in the cafeteria. Grabbing your food from the lunch lady, you went to go join them.

Boy that was a mistake.

"LUCK!" a scratchy voice hollered. "I swear if you steal my pudding ONE more time..."

"But I didn't steal it," Luck laughed, wiping the remains of the chocolatey pudding off his face. "It must've been Charmy!"

"I wouldn't!" Charmy yelled back. "I gave Magna the pudding special! He needs to eat his own food—"

You took a seat next to Secre, who was recording the whole thing one her phone. Finral slid into the seat next to you, and Vanessa sat adjacent.

"So..." Vanessa began. "How was your morning?"

"It was alright," you responded. "Pretty boring, I guess."

"Yeah, everybody says that," Finral said. "But don't worry, afternoons'll be way more fun."

Vanessa and Finral were way older than you, but for some reason it didn't phase you. You found comfort in them, and you knew they were two trusted friends.

As the lunch hour went on, you kept thinking about your electives, and your anxiety began to build up. What if the teachers didn't like you because you were too different? What if your music wasn't up to standard? So many worries were piling up in side of you.

A sharp hit on the head snapped you out of your thoughts. Luck stood above you, smiling crazily like always.

"Why do you look so worried?" he inquired. "It's your first day, you're supposed to be having fun."

All the Black Bulls turned to you, finally falling silent. You stared at Luck, and strangely his blue eyes looked so calm. So genuine.

"I guess I'm just nervous," you said, shrugging it off. "I'm not exactly prima-ballerina material."

The group stayed silent for a moment, but Magna interjected.

"So what if you're not? I'm a bass guitarist from North Dakota, and for my audition I tried to play heavy metal," he frowned.

Clover Academy {Luck Voltia x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now