Death by Rock and Roll

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Play this song when they're performing on stage :)

Extra long chapter on this one... I kinda got carried away.

Everything was piling up so fast. The competition on Saturday, the music performance on Friday... everything seemed so sudden.

And yet you was so excited for it.

"On Friday we will use the stage to showcase your songs," Fuegoleon instructed. "Each squad will give a performance that will be worth forty percent of this grade. Every student can make a cover of a song, but not all of them can perform it."

You nodded along with him, finally understanding what he was talking about. Each of the talent agents had their own unique quirks and ways of teaching, and you were finally getting the hang of each of theirs, Fuegoleon included.

"That concludes this portion of class. You are dismissed to work on your songs," he finished.

It was Wednesday, meaning you had two more days to wrap up your cover.

"You ready?" Magna asked excitedly.

"Definitely," you replied.

"Good. We're recording today and working on our stage presence and performance tomorrow," he explained. "That way you won't look like a total idiot in your first performance."

You gave a small chuckle. "Thanks, I appreciate not looking like an idiot in front of everyone."

Luck turned to join our conversation from his seat. "Nah, you'll still look like an idiot, but at least we won't!"

"Appreciate you guys so much," you rolled your eyes.

You three walked to the recording studio and found the rest of the musican Bulls waiting for you. You and Vanessa had agreed how to work out the singing, with you as the lead and her as backup. A rare opportunity for a freshman, sure, but you were grateful for any opportunity. You just hoped that she wouldn't be mad at your for stealing her spot as the lead.

"We ready to record this thing?!" Asta hollered. "Cause I'm so amped!"

"Yes, we can tell," Magna snorted. "We got this, guys."

First, Asta stepped in to record his drum part. It'd be kinda hard to play any music without a beat, and he seemed way too wound up to wait on recording any longer. After him followed Magna, Luck, Finral (who had extremely little, but that's okay), Vanessa, and then finally it was your turn.

You hopped into the gray metal box and slid the thick headphones over your ears. At first it felt like you were incredibly quiet, but then you heard the music flooding through your ears.

Your bandmates were incredible.

You began to sing in a harsh, scrappy tone. Good, that's how rock is supposed to be. You were getting pretty into it too, which just pumped you up even more for the performance.

Finral gave you the thumbs up to step out of the box when you had finished. Vanessa high-fived you and Magna clapped you on the back.

"Wow, y/n!" Asta nearly cried. "That was so cool!"

You laughed. "Thanks, Asta. That was a lot of fun."

"We sounded great!" Luck enthused. "We're gonna beat all the other squads tomorrow, easy!"

You looked puzzled, so Magna explained for you.

"All of this is a competition," he said. "In each performance, everyone's trying to get a good grade, but the most important thing is beating the other squads."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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