A relaxing day

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I had many intentions for the day ahead which were to be revealed later on. For now though I was already late and was definitely going to be scolded by the fiesty girl I decided to date.

'Aish I can't wait to be shouted at when I knock the door..' I thought to myself while raising my hand up to knock

*knock knock*

"God woman do you know how late you are?! You made me think you forgot about our first date we were going to have in weeks since both of our schedules"

"I'm sorry my anger little bear but I'm here now and in all fairness I was late because I was trying to find a suitable outfit..."

The excuse in my defense was true but I also was figuring out how to execute my master plan >:)

"The others aren't happy you made me wait. We should go before Jeongyeon unnie comes out-"

"Yah Y/N you and me should talk!!" another girl shouted as loud footsteps were heard coming up to the door

"Shall we?" I said to Jihyo holding my hand out which she gladly took before running down the corridor together and into the car.

She luckily took my advice to wear something casual and not too expensive. She looked incredible in simple clothes plus it was good for my plan.

 She looked incredible in simple clothes plus it was good for my plan

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(her outfit. or it can be different if you want ig)

"Jihyo-ya you look incredible" I said to her while driving my blue convertible

"Such a flirt I swear" she said while blushing and lightly slapping my shoulder.

The rest of the car ride was slow and calming with her singing most of the ride and me just admiring her beautiful voice. She occasionally got me to sing too but since she was the more successful artist I left it in her hands.

*After a short drive*

"Okay here we are. It's probably not what you thought it would be but my mind said that you could use some outdoor time with nature and the calming breeze"

"Waa it's beautiful Y/N, just what I needed after this long week" she turned to me showing me her gummy smile before turning again to take in the area.

I had taken her to a lake which was quiet with lots of trees around and even a rope swing incase we needed it. There was a rustic looking café just behind the clearing.

The lake was clear sparkly blue and the sun shining on it made it even clearer. The grass was green due to the time of year and the flowers were everywhere on the grass.

"I bought a little something too because I knew it would give me a chance to see that smile I love so much" I said pulling out bread from my backpack as the lake had little ducks in an area where they too swam peacefully.

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