Painful memories

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The year 850 came quickly. You were on a reconnaissance mission when Thomas from your squad came to find you.

Out of breath he tried to formulate a sentence

- breach... a breath... in the ... gate ... Trost District

Miche stared at him with a hard look.

-Thomas the report, ordered he, ignoring the lack of air of his colleague.

Thomas took a very long breath and without pausing he explained the situation

-Sir, there is a breach in the outer gate of Trost District. The colossal titan reappeared, 33 dead on the spot. The cadets of the 104th division are currently on a mission to eliminate the titans on site. Levi's squad is also on its way to support them. Our squad is also requested to act immediately.

Without hesitation Miche turned to all of you and stated :

-Nanaba, Gelgar, Lynne, Adrian, Y/N, immediate departure, direction Wall Rose.

Each in turn you took the reins of your horses and gallop at extreme speed. Once you arrived at the Trost district the damage was visible. It was difficult to pass with your horses because of the huge debris left certainly behind the attack of the Titans. From where you were, it was possible to discern still some screams of Titans, but they were different. You switched from your horses to your ODM gear and joined the monstrous sounds. You could see green smoke in the distance. A mission had succeeded. The shouts of joy from your fellow garrison members echoed from right to left. Two members of the survey corps joined you and gave you an overview.

- A cadet from the 104th division? A titan? said Lynne.

- That's right, Commander Pixis was able to use it to our advantage and plug the hole. Do you understand what that means? It's the first ever victory over the Titans. This also marks the first-time humanity within the walls has ever retaken land from the Titans, just incredible I feel like crying.

- Levi and Erwin took the young man after he immediately fainted. He will be under custody, continued the other guy.

- Interesting, said Miche. Thanks for that.

Your squad left the perimeter and Miche went into Erwin office leaving all of you together to talk about the new information. Nanaba, Gelgar, Adrian and you went into refectory and sat down. It was a lot to take in but strangely you didn't feel overwhelm by this explosive information. Humans can turn into Titans, something inside your head tilted. There are others like that, and you know it. There are inside the walls. Nanaba was looking at you since you sat down. She was surprised by the absence of a decomposed face, like hers, Gelgar's or Adrian's. She put her hands on your shoulder and murmured:

-Are you all right, Y/N?

-I... you'll think I'm crazy, eyes fixing your feet.

-Well, you know I think that everyone in the survey corps is a little bit crazy so no problem about that, trying to cheer you up a little bit.

-No, I am alright with the situation. Actually, I am relieved that the information about humans and Titans is out. Like I knew about it and that I wanted everyone to be aware of it too, but I couldn't remember about anything before today.

She slowly removed her hand of your shoulder. You immediately regretted telling her. She's going to think you're an enemy who's aware of the situation since the beginning.

-Well, that make you really intelligent, Y/N. You know since I started to fight Titans, I had a lot of theories about how and why we are in this situation. How they were created? Why do they eat only humans and not animals for example? Why they resemble us so much and at the same time be so monstruous. We all have theories and it's totally normal. We would turn crazy otherwise, well I tend to think like that.

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