Your squad leader

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It has been more than three weeks since the incident, and you were  now way better. You could collect your thoughts and you were indeed  aware that something will happen. Surely you didn't know when or what,  but you knew. So instead of moping around, you continued to train as  much as you could sometimes to the point of giving you nosebleeds from  fatigue. At those times, Miche would always come out of a corner to yell  at you to stop. He would always take your blades and carry the training  dummies away. He would then tell you, sometimes order you, to follow  him and you would drink together, sometimes joined by Nanaba and most of  the time by Gelgar. It always has been a moment of laughter, when all  of your shoulder were slaking off and you were just colleagues enjoying  times together.

This night you drank a little bit too much again  because of Gelgar who holds on far too long and always insists on not  letting him drink alone. It was way past the usual bedtime Gelgar was  now passed out on the table, Nanaba was already gone in her room,  letting you and Miche the only conscious.

- For once, he passed out before you, Y/N, stated Miche.

- I am still trying to understand how come, to be honest, you laughed.

-  You've become strong Y/N, everyone sees that, I... I can see that. Why?  He continued. Why do you want to improve so much? I can see that you  have way more determination than the first day and more than some of the  best soldiers. It's not just a matter of survival anymore, is it?

-  Right. You paused. My motivation is still beyond me, but I know for a  fact that if I want to avoid certain events that I feel will happen, I  have to become a better myself.

Miche was trying to understand  what you mean by that but like the fact that he didn't know why he had  such a specific sense of smell, he figured that your instincts were on  the same level and allowed you to anticipate certain things. He liked  that about you, the way you took your beliefs seriously and didn't ask  for help. Even though he wished he could be a better support for you, he  recognized that this strength of yours was bewitching. A long silence  settled between you. You were savoring it. Each lost in his thoughts  about the other. He stood up.

- Can I walk you to your room?

- Do we need to wake up Gelgar?

- He will find his way out.

- And I can't? you laughed about how the situation turned.

- I just want to spend this little time left with you.

You  chuckled and took his arm to get up. You walked silently to your room  enjoying the light of the moon that reflected the features that you like  in each other. Your door was the next one and you regretted that you  didn't live way further. You both stopped and as you began a "Good Night",  Miche took you tenderly in his arms and placed his lips on yours. A  second or two passed, time to sober up, before your mind caught up  allowing you to kiss him back. Oh, it was perfect. You both  abandoned yourself in the other one. He pushed his tongue in your mouth  and started kissing you roughly as if you were the source of his oxygen.  Ironically, his kiss was keeping you to catch some. But you didn't mind  if you had to pass out, it was gladly like this. He broke the kiss and  without a word, went down to the back of your neck and placed silent but  rough kisses. You moaned of pleasure and this sound, a melody to his  ears, went direct to his bones.

In a second, he lifted you up,  grabbing you by the bottom. Your face lost in his neck, your hand in his  hair, he left yours, to locate the handle of your door. Once he found  it, he turned it delicately and pushed the door with his right foot.

Once  inside, your moans grew louder. He looked around the room to find your  bed. Before that, he noticed how sober your room was. The only  significant detail in his eyes was the gaping hole in your window  covered by a kind of sheet that kept the wind out. He noted to himself,  that one day he had to offer you something to illuminate the room and  that in winter it was out of the question that you spend the night in  this room. He felt you lightly lower your behinds to meet his growing  erection still trapped in his pants, which brought him back to the sweet  reality that was before his eyes. He escaped a groan. You kissed him,  you wanted him to focus on you and only you. He wanted you. So bad.

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