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You could hear the bird starting chirping. Damn, you thought. You didn't sleep. How could you after that. You were now wondering how you could face him, what would you say? Was it up to you to start the conversation? You had to go with the flow right? You were both adults, it happens all the time, that sort of thing. Does it? Before you could answer you heard knocks on your door and the voice of the one you were thinking of since last night, or this morning to be accurate.

- Uhm yes, a second!

You found some clothes to put on before heading in your bathroom to see your face.

- Not good but not that bad. Urgh...

You went to your door and opened to be surprised how much composed he was before you. Without a smile or anything in particular, he told you to pack up and be ready in 2 hours. You were leaving and it was of high importance. It was your squad leader speaking nothing more. He then left without a word to you.


He had to be like that. Today of all days, Erwin found Miche in his chamber and asked him to join him now in his office. Miche was ready in 10 minutes and joined Levi and Erwin in the office.

-We are lauching the 57th expedition that we talked about since the beginning of the month today. We will cross Karanes district as a trial for our new methods, in order to be prepared for the most important mission of all, the one in the Shiganshina District. Eren basement. As you may know it is now the town that offers the shortest travel route since Trost is sealed. Have you any objection on how the mission will go on? Both of you?

Levi didn't say word as a way to say no, Miche did the same.

- Then go prepared you and your team. And as always, no word about it.

Miche knew the few people that were aware of the situation and the methods that were going to be used. The squad leaders and Nanaba were the only ones. He wanted to talk about everything with you but sometimes it was beyond his control. He soon arrived at your door. Your perfume still ingrained in his nose, your sweet voice in his ears. He clenched his wrists tightly and loosened a little bit. He took deep breaths before knocking on your door.

-Uhm yes, a second!

Deep breaths, regain control Miche.


You knew that today was the completion of your training for the month. Indeed, the beginning of it, you and other members of the Survey Corps were trained in the strategy that would be implemented in the upcoming expedition: the Long-Distance Enemy Scouting Formation. All of you would be spread across a great distance into multiple columns and groups. With this strategy, Scouts at the front of the formation would warn the formation of approaching Titans with red or black signal flares, depending on whether it is a common Titan or an Abnormal. Depending on the color, the command group at the front of the formation would fire a green flare in the new direction in order to avoid contact with the Titan sighted. Erwin came with this idea, and it was actually a really good one that could avoid any contact with Titans and possibly save multiple people from fights.

The sacred hour arrived, and you were able to join your group, passing many squads still getting equipped. To your left a young man with a shaved head kept yelling trying to figure out what was going on. To your right a small blond guy was still trying to memorize the formation and be sure that everything could be alright. You spotted at the front captain Levi, his squad and the famous Eren. For a newbie he was quite calm.

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