I am home

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It has been more than a month that you came back in the 21st century, the real world. You had now to readapt to many things you forgot about. How the shower could turn hot very fast, the fact that you had a phone, computers, cars, no titans around or him.


At first, when you woke up, you were surrounded by so many familiar objects. When you stood up from your bed, the world was moving slowly around you. You were closing and opening your eyes at the same rhythm. It was hard to breath.

Just like a dream, the life you were used to, began to fade away. Memories, feelings were still anchored deep inside you. Everything was grey around you. Your first move was to go check your phone. 12 May 2021, 4:36 pm. You had been gone all this time, all these years and only a half of a day passed here. You took the manga on your bed and slowly turned the pages. His face was everywhere you watched. You turned the page you wished on and here he was. Alive. He was alive. You laughed. So hard. All your painful feelings were overflowing. Somebody gives me some air, you thought so hard. Please. You fell on your knees; the manga close to your heart. It was hard to see, but there was another soldier on the pages. Always standing next to Miche and Nanaba. A woman, without a clear face. A woman that Miche couldn't stop looking at on every page he was on. Your head was going to explode. Suffocating.

-Y/N? you heard on the other side of the door. Are you alright? I heard some screams...

It was your dad.

You opened the door violently and gave up. You took him in your arms, squeezing him hard. You missed you his smell, his unshaven beard.

-Oi, are you alright? You're scaring me.

-I am...

Were you?

-Hmmm, I am. Sorry about that. I had a nightmare, or a dream I don't really know anymore.

-Yeah, you were deeply asleep. I tried to wake you many times but nothing. I thought that you needed some more time. But look at you, almost 5 pm! He laughed. But if I knew you were in a nightmare, I would have tried harder. Although if it was a good dream, I advise you to write it down, in that case you will not forget. I always do that! He patted your hair, like he always did. It's weird, you sleep so many hours but when I look at you seem more tired than ever.

As he was watching you, he saw a scar on your leg.

-What is THAT? How did you do it, Y/N? Damn, you need to be careful!!

-Uhm, I don't really remember.

You missed his panicked voice. Really. It was warm to be standing next to him.


You were now outside, walking around your neighborhood waiting 1pm, for Elijah, to give him back his manga. A treasure for you. Thinking about him was not as warm as before, you knew why. Something so big was missing in you. You saw him at the end of the intersection.

-Hey there! he said joyfully. How are you?

-I am... great and you?

-Quite alright! So, what did you think about that? showing the manga between your hands.

-It was really good. Felt real... you laughed nervously.

-Well, I hope not too real! You know I don't want to be eaten by a titan! He laughed.

You looked at him, then at your feet, a shy smile on your face.

-Speaking of eating... Do you maybe want to grab something? I know that there are good tacos around the corner, it could be fun right? We could ... call this a date?

Is it a wrong time to say that I may be in love with you Y/N? echoed in your head. I am so, so, sorry baby. I will come back, Y/N! Just wait for me, I will come back to you! How beautiful you are.

Unbearable. It was too much.

-I am so sorry, Elijah. I don't know why, you started, my feelings can't meet yours. I am so sorry.

You gave him the manga, painfully.

He blushed really hard and said it was okay and hoped that you could remain friends.

-I don't want... to stay here... I am... I do not belong anymore...

-I am sorry what did you say? I couldn't hear.

-Nothing, goodbye Elijah.

You turned your back, slowly going away. You had to stop somewhere, before going home. Once home, your dad was in front of the television. The emission you usually watched together ongoing. Your head was so heavy.

-Y/N! Welcome back! Oh, did you buy something? What is it?

-A book.

-That's nice! Will you have time to read it with all your classes?

-I will. Dad? Tearing up a little bit. I love you.

-I love you too Y/N, he laughed surprised.

-I really love you and really, I hope someday you will meet someone you will see all of your extraordinary qualities.

He muted the TV and turned completely to you with worried eyes.

-Are you alright Y/N?

-I think I am not, but I am currently hoping that I will be better. I really enjoyed this last month with you daddy. It was fun doing all of this with you. I just want more for myself, but in doing so I know that I will break your heart, and this is killing me. I just want you to know that I am doing this for my sanity. If I don't... I won't be able to recover, I think.

-Did something happen these last few days, Y/N? do you want to talk about it with me? I am worrying sick right now.

-No. Not these last few days. Daddy, I love you please believe me, okay? I am going to bed. Maybe, you hoped not, we will talk about it in the morning.

-I... but seeing you already going upstairs in your room, he didn't continue. I love you my beautiful girl.

The fact that he was sometimes childish or careless were most of the time tiring but this time it saved your heart. Sobbing but silently, you took the manga out of its bag. Put it close to your heart.


You were waiting, waiting, waiting.


You put yourself on your bed. Waiting, waiting, waiting. Squeezing the manga close to your heart, closer and closer.


You took long inspirations, thinking about how you will make your wish. You watched the two little stains on the ceiling, you will never have the answer about their history. You wanted to see the crack on the ceiling of your other room.


You closed your eyes, for a long time. Squeezing and squeezing, close to your heart.

You opened your eyes after a few minutes. Staring at the distinctive sign on your ceiling, a tear rolling down your cheek.

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