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It felt like a dream, and maya decided if it was, she needed to make that kiss last for as long as she possibly could before she woke up.

She opened her mouth and started to kiss him back. She was surprised by the way her body reacted to the kiss how it moved without her control. Her hands got tangled up in his wet hair as she leaned in for more and his tightened on her waist. It was the most amazing and perfect first kiss a girl could ask for.

His mouth felt as if it was made to fit hers. There wasn't a nose or chin in the way, and their tongues danced in perfect rhythm. It made her want more.He pulled away softly. With her chin cupped in his hand, he made a satisfying grunt as if he had just finished his favorite meal.

Maya's eyes still remained closed as she panted. She could feel his eyes on her but couldnt muster up the courage to look at him. Then she suddenly felt his lips on her forehead. It was a soft and quick peck but it made her eyes burn with tears. That action somehow melted her into a puddle.

"Open your eyes baby" his deep voice rumbled near her ears.

She shivered as she felt his breath on her eyes and slowly opened her eyes. She found him looking at her with his eyes burning with desire. But a soft smile played on his lips. As if infectious maya started smiling too. She might have still kept smiling when his lips came down on her again. And again. After the rain cleared up adhi drived maya to her hostel. It was only when they reached the hostel gate maya got the courage to look at him.

"Is this how things are going to be around us? Less talking more touching??" Adhi wiggled his eyebrows in a playful way.

A chuckle broke out of maya and his smile widened. " You wish" maya started to unbuckle her seatbelt when adhis hand reached hers and he intertwined it with his.

"Im gonna miss you" adhi said with a pout on his face.

"Why? We are going to see each other tomorrow right?"

"Of course we are but thats like 15 hours without seeing you, touching you" his thumb brushed maya's lower lip and it made her shiver.

"It was different till yesterday. I still missed you. But now things aren't the same are they?" Adhi moved closer and cupped maya's face in his hands.

"I really like you maya" his voice was a deep whisper.

Adhi tilted his head and moved forward to kiss her but was interupted by continous knocking on the window. Snapping out from the trance maya looked out the window and saw a very pissed off preethy with hands on her hips.

"Ohh im soo dead" maya murmured and jumped out from the car a chuckling adhi followed her.

"Maya Menon! Where the hell were you? I thought you were dead. What happened to your phone?"

"It must have run of charge. I dont know i didnt check."

"You didnt check your phone??"her eyes widened.

"Do i wanna know what you two were doing that she even forgot to check her phone?" Preethy said fighting a smile.

"I think its better if she explain it to you in your room. I like the attention preethy but not this much" Adhi gestured to the crowd of girls looking at us from various room Windows and balconies.

"And i fully take responsibility for todays incident preethy maam. We were quite preoccupied" His arms encircled maya's waist and  rested his chin on her shoulder. Maya sucked in a sharp breath and began to push him away. The girls who were watching let out exasperated sighs and dissapointed shrieks. Adhi and maya chuckled and she stopped fighting him and rested  her head on his shoulders.

Wedding In Pandemic ( Completed ✔) Where stories live. Discover now