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"I swear to god maya if you dont stop moving things are going to get very interesting inside this cupboard" I growled unable to hide the desire flowing through my veins.

Maya audibly swallowed and whispered "sorry". And paused her entire body freezing in position.

"that's not what I meant baby" I chuckled into her ears and she shivered. she really has a thing about her neck. One kiss on the neck and she's a goner. she dug her fingers into my arm which was curled across her stomach.

I paused for a second. Then I slowly ran my lips across her earlobe. Giving small nips occasionaly. Maya started gasping for breath. Her hands dug deeper, and where I should be feeling pain I felt desire, her plea to not stop.

I ran lips on ear , down the jaw and reach her neck. I paused, then planted an open mouthed kiss there and maya almost levitated inside. Her hands curled around my sleeves and a small breathy moan left her lips.

Neck kissed, it always worked.

I started sucking there, making slow movement on her stomach with my arms, slow circles. She tilted her neck giving me more access. I slowly bit down on her neck and she moaned a little louder. and I stopped because the same second her butt started buzzing.

"Why is your butt buzzing?" I whispered.

"its my phone dumbass" maya chuckled still a little breathless. she peered at the screen "Its varun"

she answered and whispered into the phone "Are we clear?"

"Nope, your parents are coming back in. vivek blew his cover" he said

"ohh I need a drink" I bit off the scotch's cap and took a long swig, damn this is good stuff.

maya gaped at me for a second then spoke into the phone "WHAT?? so were gonna be stuck here all night?"

"no silly, im joking. They are both outside you can come out now." He chuckled.

I took more than one swigs before maya had disconnected the phone. "All clear. we can leave."

she proceeded to open the door when I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her close to me. "I dont want to leave" I buried my face in her neck again and took a deep smell. She still smells like peaches.

"Adhi.. how much did you have to drink?" she asked her eyebrows knitting together.

"2 or 3 sips" I mumbled from her neck.

"2 or 3 sips Or 2 or 3 Swigs?"

"The second one" I grinned.

"oh my god Adhi. Is you alcohol tolerance so low that you get drunk with 3 swigs? This man is a piece of work yaar" Maya exclaimed.

I chuckled. Wow I was tipsy. Its been a while since ive drunk. Today is going to be very interesting.

I looked over at maya, she was slowly opening the door, Tears blurred my vision. I sniffed. My poor maya how much has this little thing been through because of me? I dont deserve her. Tears flew from my eyes and I wiped it away.

"Maya.. Im so.... sorry baby" I sniffed.

Maya slowly, very slowly turn around. Her mouth dropped wide open. "Are you crying?"


He nodded. His lips curled down in the most adorable pout I've ever seen. I scoffed.

"Baby.. what's wrong?" I smiled. He's so adorable. 3 swigs are he's drunk. Such a baby.

"I hurt so much maya. you have no idea how guilty I am of that. " he hiccupped "Im sorry..." and he wept.

Wedding In Pandemic ( Completed ✔) Where stories live. Discover now