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"Mom?" I stared at Jeeth in disbelief as he walked away from me.

I saw red, everywhere. Rage spread through me as I walked to the out house.. Arjun caught up to me on the way. When I explained to him what Jeeth said arjun cursed.

When I reached the door, I didnt even bother to knock and kicked it open. And there he was the creator of all these problems lying in the bed shirtless with a burning cigarette on his lips Ajay Malhotra. My mom was arranging their clothes from the suitcase, Thank god she was clothed.

"don't you guys have basic manners boy" Ajay sat up in the bed.

"yeah that's real classy coming from you ajay" Arjun retorted.

"Arjun! show some respect to your fa-" she was cut off when arjun yelled "My father is next door and yes I do respect him. This man is not our father and never will be"

I patted Arjun's shoulder to calm him down. He was really emotional when it came to this relationship between mom and ajay. He hadn't believed me when I first told him mom had to sleep with my principal to get me the LLB seat. He had slapped me and told me to respect our mother. But he had to learn of it the hard way when he walked into them making out.

Since then Arjun was very aggressive towards Mom and Ajay. Tara was the only good thing that has been in his life since. The only reason mom is in this wedding is because Tara's family is orthodox. They were skeptical when they learned that our parents were divorced and both remarried.

But tara's father and amumma said that it didnt concern Tara and Arjun. But they wanted the groom's mother and father present for the wedding as per tradition.

"Yes, you respect that cheater but not him" mom bellowed.

I let out a low chuckle. Arjun snarled "How is he different mom? He also cheated on his wife and used your body as payment for my brother's education. That's a real respectable specimen right there. "

She paled. Ajay jumped from the bed and started towards Arjun.

"SIT DOWN AJAY! or you will regret it" I screamed. He lingered for a few minutes but walked out the door, then came in again grabbed a shirt and walked out again.

I took a deep breath and looked at mom. Her eyes were red with anger and a tear spilled down her eye.

"Why cant you both be happy for-"

"Did you invite Jeeth here?" I interrupted her drama.

She froze. "Jeeth is actually here? I didnt think he would come"

Arjun laughed in disbelief, he started pacing the room with his hands above his head.

Rage welled inside me like a volcano, I wanted so badly to explode. But no. I will save it for Jeeth.

"How could you do that to me? To maya? You know what he did to her. To us. and yet you invite him to her home. How messed up are you?" I cried. Tears springing to my eyes.

This women, whom I did terrible things to protect her dirty secret because I thought she did it for my safe future, just turned out to be the most selfish person on the planet. She did it for her, her pleasure, her safe future. Not for me, never for her sons.

"He told me he wanted to apologise. To you and maya. everyone deserves a second chance Adhi" she fumbled with her hands. She looked completely oblivious, Jeeth totally fooled her like he almost fooled me earlier.

"Well let me tell you, he isn't here for redemption, he is here for Revenge. He's going to try and split up me and maya again."

"son of a bitch" arjun mumbled.

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