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Maya was in a dream with these velvet blankets and a warm bed. She did not want to wake up anytime soon.She turned over, or tried to, but felt gentle hands pulling her close. The warm hands enclosed her and pulled her into a hard strong chest. She snuggled closer, embracing the warmth. She could feel a chin on her head, tucking her head between the gap in the neck and chest, like a perfect jigsaw piece. She took a deep breath, letting the scent intoxicate her.
She stretched her right arm out, wrapping it around the waist as she felt a hand on her lower back. It felt so good that when she rearranged herself on the bed, she ended up with her upper half on top. Somehow, it was more comfortable than sleeping on this soft bed. The chest was soft but hard, being the perfect pillow, while the rest of her just fit into him like a puzzle.

Suddenly, she felt a jerk and pull away. It was like the warmth escaped and she felt the cold air. She shivered, but only for a while before she felt the warmth return as the embrace came back. A finger traced her eyelid down to her nose and to her cheek.Maya stirred and the hand stopped its journey. She sighed, taking a deep breath and letting the sleep envelope her. She hadn't slept like that in ages.

She could hear a noise like an engine or horse gallop or something. Ooh its a heartbeat.

Why on earth can I hear a heart beat?
She opened her eyes, blinking a couple of times to clear her vision, and found herself looking at the curtains. Her neck cracked from sleeping in an immobile but comfortable position. She tried sitting up and realised she was spread all over Adhi

Oh my god! Sprawled like a blanket all over Adhi!
Well, this was very awkward. He was still asleep. His dark hair was ruffled messily and somehow she had used him as a human pillow, teddy bear or bed last night. Oh shit. She placed a hand on the bed to push herself, but to no avail. She realized that his hands were on her lower back, holding her in place.

He moved; she froze and stared at his face. The sun was just rising, its rays shining through the curtains and hitting his face and highlighting his perfect features. Some people are just so perfect. His eyes opened and he looked around before his eyes met hers. She felt her cheeks reddening in embarrassment.
"Morning," he said, closing his eyes again, still holding her in this frozen state. 
What the...
Sometimes our body takeover ignoring all the commands from the brain. For maya today was that day. She pushed him away and rolled to the otherside only to fall over the edge of the bed to the cold hard floor.

"Maya!!!!"  She registered adhi's shriek only when she fell on the floor. She saw a blanket flying and a laughing adhi ran over to her side.

"Are you okay??" He was trying hard to stop laughing but couldn't.

"Its not funny" Maya pouted but eventually gave in and the both erupted in laughter. Maya covered her face in embarasement.

Adhi pulled her to her feet and dusted her off. "No seriously are you okay?"

"Im fine. Let me see your hand."

She checked adhi's hand and the swelling had reduced since yesterday.

"The swelling is gone." Maya beamed.

"I told you it wasn't that serious." Adhi shook his hand and proved there is no pain.

"Okay. What time is it?" Maya looked for a wall clock but couldn't find one.

Adhi quickly checked his phone for the time. "Its 5 am." Adhi let out a yawn.

"I need to get going. I have to get in the hostel by 6. Thats when the guards change shifts."

"How do you know when the guards change shifts"? 

Wedding In Pandemic ( Completed ✔) Where stories live. Discover now