Author's Note

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Hello, hello, hello! First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to pick this book, not to mention read the author's note. I appreciate you and I hope that you enjoy our time together.

I only have a few things that I want to discuss, so let's knock them out quick so you can get to reading!

#1: I have never been to Ireland. However, this story will be taking place  in Ireland. I will try to get locations and terminology correct, but if there's a mistake, please let me know!

#2: There will be no updating schedule for this story. I'm working on lots of other stories as well and I simply don't have the time! Having said that, I will try and keep it fairly regular. I'll be shooting for at least  one chapter out every month. 

#3: This is a highly self-indulgent story. There may be opinions in here that you don't agree with. You're totally free to swap them out with your own preferences; after all this is an "x reader" story.

#4: Having said that, this is also one of those fanfictions that has a lot  of backstory for our lovely Y/N character. Some of this may be triggering. Trigger warnings will be added at the beginning of the chapter if they are necessary.

#5: This is one of those dreaded "slow burn" romances. If you're impatient to get to the horny "oh em gee i am dating jacksepticeye!!!!11!!" phase, you may not want to read this as it takes quite a while for Y/N to even realize their romantic feelings for Sean.

#6: The reader is gender-neutral. I won't be changing this. Female, male, nonbinary, or any other sort of identity, I feel like this should be a welcoming and all-inclusive experience. If you've got a problem with that, I think it's best that you leave.

Now, let's get to it.

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