Thanks For The Bits, Kind Stranger

38 4 1

You felt as if someone was watching you.

A crowd, a crowd. There were so many eyes. There were so many eyes, all simultaneously trained on you, you.

Of course, this could be because you just fired up a Twitch stream, and were sitting there awkwardly as you waited for even more people to show up and stare at you, but it still felt...weird. You weren't usually the streamer type. Often, your mouth would spew out words without any sort of thought process behind them, and without the power of ~editing~ you felt more nervous than usual. 

You had agreed to join a Discord call with Sean once the first thirty people had showed up, and then play a few rounds of Mario Kart together. As per usual. Only this time, you would have so many eyes on you. You wondered how your followers would feel about having a big-timer like Sean on the channel. But you nibbled on a nail subconciously, whilst trying not to worry.

The viewer count, finally, finally, hit thirty, and you tapped the video call icon next to Sean's username. You'd had the page open since before the stream even started. The line rang once. You could feel your palms sweating, and you pulled your fingernail out of your mouth in distaste. Gross. The line rang twice. You laughed nervously, eyeing the viewer count suspiciously. Oddly enough, people were still here. Three of them. 

You heard the 'accepted call' noise, and you flinched in surprise at Sean's "hello?". Then you laughed, realizing that the audio must be insanely loud on stream and that the three unfortunate souls still lurking on stream had just heard a loud Irish man harass their ears. 

"'Sup?" You replied casually, grinning evily as someone practically yelled  that the audio was 'too loud.' You raised your eyebrows in surprise. Your viewer count had shot back up again. There were 40 people now. "Oh, um. Hey, e-everyone. TeaBagGames, at your service, yada yada yada. Insert my intro here. Uh, this is my- friend? yeah, friend- Sean. You probably know him from his YouTube channel; that'll be linked in the description." 

"Hi!" Sean greeted the audience as if he was a natural, a smile in his voice. As you opened your mouth to continue on with the stream, a clatter distracted you followed by an "Oh, shit-!"

" good, bro?"

"Sorry!!! I'm trying to get my webcam set up but, um-!! It fell over!!!" Your friend replied, the crackle in his mic overlayed by his nervous laughter.

You snickered along with him. "Take your time. I sort of wish I had added your webcam into the stream earlier so everyone could see you fail." 

"Um, woooow, okay." There was a click, and you fired up your OBS to reveal Sean's smiling face on the opposite corner of the screen as your own. 

The chat went wild.

You were expecting something along those lines. A few people casually recognizing him, or something. Never in your life, however, did you expect:

el_cockmeister: Holy fuck???


mightymango:  im your biggest fan

xx_ultra.sunrise_xxHOLY SHIT MAN

sasukesleftasscheek: JACKSEPTICEYE TBAG COLLAB?!??!?!

ThePhantomMenacei thought this guy was too cool for this stuff lol


The view count skyrocketed up to over 250 people.

You fought to keep a smile off of your face, but you could feel it tugging peskily on the corners of your mouth nonetheless. 

"Are you okay? You look constipated." 

You glanced back at him, trying hard to keep from smirking along with him. "I'm sorry. It's just such a burden to have to see your face. I don't have any money left for therapy sessions."

Sean let out another one of those hearty belly laughs of his. "What'd you spend it on? Paying your subscribers to watch your garbage?" There was a moment of silence, which you happily filled with your howls of laughter. "Wait, that was mean. I'm sorry." 

"No, no, no, that was some of the best material you've ever dished out. In your entire career. How does that make you feel?" You wheezed, wiping a tear of laughter out of the corner of your eye and sending him a Mario Kart invite. 

"Kinda shit, to be honest." Sean deadpanned, but grinning along with you. You saw him move out of the camera and pop back up, Switch in hand. 

The chat was still blowing up. You decided to ignore it for now.

Bing! Bing! Bi-bing!! Bing-bing-bing!!!!


Too much. There was too much. Notifications flashed across your monitor like little spastic flashes of lightning. You knew that you should have set a less annoying donation notif sound. 

All your fault. This was all your fault. You tapped your fingers nervously. Your leg began to do its little 'anxiety jig' (as Caspian had so dubbed it). You bit your lip. You were suddenly acutely aware of a flap of skin on your lips that was making the texture very wrong. Unacceptable, even. You set out on your quest to rip the flap off. You were in the process of doing this when that familiar, metallic taste filled your mouth. Blood. Ouch. 

You looked away from the camera, trooping on. You held your Switch up. Sean was already waiting in the lobby. Why hadn't he said something earlier? Was he mad? You clenched your fists around the console. They were all sweaty now. Gross. How long had they been sweating like that? Could the audience tell? The dono sounds were still pi-pi-pipipi-ping'ing away on your monitor. It felt as if each sound was being drilled into your skull like you were a piece of plywood. 

"Um. Which cup do you want to start out on?" You asked, trying to block the noises out and keep a straight face. Had to stay strong. Had to stay vigilant. Imagine how much good publicity your channel would get if you sucked it up. 

"How about the Special Cup?" Sean replied. His voice was quieter than usual. You felt a subtle sinking feeling in your stomach. 

Sean hates that cup. 

You glanced up at your monitor. Sean was watching you. He wasn't grinning goofily or focused on technical stuff. His eyes were trained on you. He wore a patient straight face, and his twin sapphires were gentle.

You felt a little better. You glanced down at the donation notifications and began reading off thank-you's to each of the usernames. You felt your heart lift as you read through the numbers.

$50? In bits? Nobody ever tips that much. What the hell sort of moneybags is bumming around my stream? 

You reached the bottom of the list. "And, wow, thank you,  Markiplier, for the 5,000 bits-" 

You froze. You felt a smile coming back. 

You looked back at your switch. "Let's get started, then."

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