Choice B: Refuse to Help Sean

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"...I don't know, Sean," you responded after a moment. Your voice was quiet with concern, and you could practically hear him deflate on the other side of the line.

"Please, (Y/N), I don't have anyone else I can ask!" The desperation was palpable in your friend's voice, and you started to feel a little bad. But you had to state your case.

"....Sean, I'm worried," you replied. Sean had only seemed to be getting worse throughout the time that you'd known him. His mental health had noticeably been declining. And as scary as it was to admit to yourself, you didn't know where to turn or what to do to help. You were no stranger to being lost in the dark. But now that it was someone other than you, you were at a loss. " you haven't been yourself lately." There was silence on the other end of the line. You could feel your heart beating faster; the nervous sweat on your palms beginning to make your phone slippery and warm. Gross. You made a face. Trying not to get distracted, you pushed on. "....I can't tell you what to do, but I want you to know that your mental health is more important than the videos you're releasing. Please understand." 

On the other end of the phone, you could hear a silence, followed by a disheartened sigh. Your heart jolted in your stomach. Oh. Had you offended him? You scrambled to speak up once more. "I'm sorry-"

"It's alright," Sean's voice responded, his tone uncharacteristically serious. "Thank you for caring about me- I think you're right." There was a pause. You weren't sure how to respond. Now that you had spoken your mind, the air had tightened in your room considerably, like wire being pulled taut. Then he spoke again. "I guess.. I don't know." More silence, as if Sean was struggling to find his words. You understood. 

You waited.

"...I guess I just feel like I'm no good unless I'm making content, you know?" Sean's laugh, normally so cheerful, sounded sort of hollow. "And you know, I don't want to fall behind everyone. I mean, even you're getting more and more traction every day- I'm sorry, maybe that was rude to say- but.. I just don't want you guys leaving me behind, you know?" 

You sighed, your throat feeling dry. Had this been what was going on all along? 

"I'm sorry, maybe I'm just being stupid," Sean spoke up again, his laughter a little more nervous now, as if he were stepping away from the subject as a whole. 

"No," you said quietly. You understood, after all. What it felt like for everyone in your life to be moving on; finding partners, getting married, starting families, going to college, finding jobs. And then there was you, watching from the sidelines, happy for them but not happy for you. "I know what you mean," you added. "Just remember that people move at their own pace. Your subs aren't just going to disappear out of thin air. They're real people. Well, minus the bots. They'd understand if you need to take things a little slower. I would, at least."

Sean sighed again, a slight shake in his voice. But his voice when he spoke again was steady. "I understand," he grumbled, clearly still a little bit sore at the prospect of the mountain of editing waiting ahead of him.

"Well.. if this happens again, call me," you relented after a moment of thought. It couldn't hurt to offer help in the future, after all; you knew that Sean was by no means a malevolent person. He worked hard. "I'll lend you a hand." 

"Only if you're sure," Sean responded, his voice worn-out; probably from the amount of screaming he'd just done in the videos he'd finished recording. "I know that you're busy, too." 

"It's nothing," you insisted, staring at the wall in your room. Had it always been that specific shade of dog-vomit white? Focus, (Y/N). 

"Okay," Sean relented. This time, you could hear the smile in his voice. You wished that you could see it in person. Was that a weird thing to think? 

You found yourself puzzled at the thoughts appearing in your head as you nodded. Then you remembered that he couldn't see you. Flushing, you scrambled to respond. "Okay. Bye, then."

"Take care." Sean's voice replied, before the line went silent.

[ click. ] 


hi. if you're reading this, that's bizarre. thanks for sticking around during my ridiculously long hiatus. 

i've rather lost motivation for this story. but since i have an outline planned, i shall continue with it nonetheless.

remember to check out my poetry if you're interested in my writing! i have another original story (Chemical Chrysalis) being written as well ^_^

have a fantastic morning/afternoon/evening/night <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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