||PROLOGUE || Ireland, Bitch.

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"So, umm....thanks for watching! If you want to see more of this content, make sure to like and subscribe. I'll be out with a couple new videos this week, since all of you seem to be liking the Cuphead content so much, so stay tuned for that. Thanks! TeaBag, over and out."

You blinked, smiling for a second longer before reaching over slightly and brushing your thumb over the 'Stop Recording' button on your webcam. The camera stopped capturing your burned-out self with an almost videogame-esque pop, and you unconsciously let out a relieved sigh.

Around you, clothes and books were strewn about the floor and on the bed haphazardly, creating an ocean of chaos around the one flawless island which you used for filming. You glanced around, your stomach giving a lurch upon seeing the much-procrastinated mess which had enveloped your room. A call came from below you, causing you to jerk your leg to the side in surprise. An involuntary tic which had developed due to your constant nervousness. Possibly also because of the intensive energy drink consumption, but we'll get to that another time. 

"What?" You called back. 

"(Y/N), did you move my hair gel? I can't find it!" Your roommate, Caspian, replied, his footsteps thumping as he trotted up the stairs and into your room. He stepped gingerly over a dubious-smelling hoodie tossed carelessly in the middle of your floor, wrinkling his nose.

"Oh, er, no. Maybe you just misplaced it." You muttered, fighting to keep a smile from edging into your face. You had, of course, gotten rid of his hair gel. Caspian had such soft, wavy brown hair, but he always used gel to make two tufts of hair stick up like devil horns, like some kind of anime character. It was ridiculous! But, of course, he could always buy more. 

"Bullshit. Bull-shit! You'd better not do this again, or I'll cut off your supply of Bang and Monster." Caspian crossed his arms over his chest, giving you some serious side-eye. 

"You wouldn't do that!" You yelped, standing up clumsily. As you moved toward him, your arm flailed helplessly before colliding with the small tripod holding your webcam. It crashed down onto the ground next to your foot. You swore loudly.

"Oh my God, you're totally addicted! Jesus!" Caspian snorted, kneeling down and scooping up the camera, a small smirk on his face.  "Not even an attempt to hide it, (Y/N)?!"

"Shut the fuck up! I swear, if you broke my camera in any way, I will personally have seen to that nobody in this entire fucking town will sell you any hair gel until I get a new one!" You scowled, grabbing the camera from the brunette's hands and clicking the power button on the side. The screen flashed white, then went black again. "Ugh! You're so dead, Caspian Reginald!" 

"Oh, come on, did you just middle-name-zone me?!" Caspian laughed, peering over your shoulder at the brutalized camera. "Now, come on, that's nothing to get upset about, right?!"

"You're one to talk! You throw a temper tantrum whenever I use your curling iron." You huffed, rolling your eyes. This wasn't an argument worth having, especially when you could just hold it over his head when you wanted something. Knowing Caspian, he'd forget about it by dinner if you didn't mention anything about it. 

"Oh, stop bitching, (Y/N), and take it down to the GameStop or something and see if they can fix it. " Your caramel-eyed roommate said blithely, as if he was reading your thoughts. "I heard that they have really good on-site repair...people." 

You scowled at him. "But I wasn't planning on going there today! I have editing to do! And...stuff." 

"Well, you won't have much to edit if you don't have any footage. Or have you already synched the footage you just took with your computer?" Caspian replied matter-of-factly, tilting his head to the side. 

"Dammit!" You cursed under your breath, pinching your thigh behind your back. Finally, you admitted defeat. You pulled out your phone, and breathed a rush of relief when you saw the little green Open next to the name of your local GameStop. "Well, they're open..." 

"Good! Get your little socially awkward ass out the door, then. Maybe you'll get some socialization in while you're at it. I think this will involve more human interaction than you've had in months!" Caspian said, pushing you out of your room and ignoring your protests.

"You're such an ass!" You yelled, attempting to escape. "And I'm not even dressed yet!"

"So?! Some people like that, er...slightly homeless looking charm!" Caspian laughed, tightening his grip on you. You threw your arms up in exasperation. He gave you a shove, and there you were, outside in the chilly late evening air.

You sighed, inwardly cursing Caspian as you began your walk to the closest bus stop. Oh, I am going to kill him.

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