Choice A: Help Sean Edit the Videos

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"Fine," you said after a moment of hesitation. "I'm still a little pissed, but fine. Send me the videos. We'll get it done."

"Thank you!" Sean exclaimed happily. "Okay, I'm downloading all of the unsent footage and Airdropping it to you. The files are sort of it may take a while." 

"Okay." You hung up, then crawled out of bed. You rubbed your eyes dismally. The room was pitch-black, and in your desperation to finish this spontaneous project you stumbled to your desk and sat down without turning on a single light. 

You sat in wait for the Airdrop request to pop up on your desktop, silently wondering what you had just gotten yourself into...

+                        +                           +

You groaned, leaning back in your desk chair and cracking your back. It was 7:30 in the morning, and only then were you finally finished doing your part to help Sean. The video you'd agreed to do (you had decided to be chivalrous and take the longer one, much to your later self's dismay) was done, and you were sitting down waiting for the file to compress so you could e-mail it to Sean. You decided to call him, just to let him know that you'd completed your assigned side-quest.

The phone didn't even get through its first ring before Sean picked up. "Hi!" he chirped. "Everything okay?" 

"Yeah," you said, a little taken aback. "I finished the editing for you. I'm waiting for the file to compress right now." 

"Really?" You could hear the palpable smile in his voice. "Bang-up job, (Y/N)! Thank you so much! I owe you one, big time."

You laughed internally. Although the work was exhausting, somehow hearing the excitement in Sean's voice made everything up to that point worth it. "Don't sweat it," you replied. "I'm pretty pissed off that you still seem to be managing to not take care of yourself, but I ended up having an okay time with it. So I'm going to let you off with a pass," you teased.

He laughed at that, and you could hear the creak of his chair as he presumably leaned back in it. There was a silence. Not an awkward one, but a comfortable one. As you opened your mouth to say goodbye, he spoke. "Really, just...thanks," he said, an uncharacteristically soft character to his tone. "You've done so much to help me, even if it's inconvenient for you. I don't think I say thank you enough for what you do." 

You laughed nervously. "What do I do?"

"You're're one of my...." Sean paused again, as if he were trying to pull his thoughts together. "'re one of friends," he said finally. You wanted to pretend that you'd imagined the hesitation, but it was obvious. Especially since you two were sitting in a slightly more awkward silence again. 

"Oh," you said finally. Another weird pause. "...I think that you're, um, pretty neat too. Actually." 

Sean snorted. "Pretty neat?" 

"Shut up," you grumbled, ignoring the heat that had crept onto your cheeks. "I don't know how else to say it. I just... I think that you're neat." 

To be honest, you weren't sure where (if anywhere) things were going with Sean. You had at least established that the two of your friends, but lately things had felt... different. You weren't sure how to describe it. But little things (like good morning texts or showing up at one another's house unannounced) had started to feel a little less...little. 

Before you knew it, Sean had begun talking again. You listened.

"Listen, I know that it may not seem like a big deal, being my friend and stuff. It's not, really. But, has made things really hard for me lately. I just..I feel like nobody wants to be my friend unless it has something to do with my social status nowadays, y'know?" You nodded. Then you remembered that he couldn't see you nodding. "I feel like...I feel like that's not something I need to worry about when it comes to you. You're real. And we like one another. I mean-!" -he interjected loudly - "Not...not like that, but..." he trailed off for a moment. "I feel like we understand one another, in a way. Even if it feels like we're nothing alike. And that's nice. So, really, thank you."

You felt your body tensing up under the weight of what he had just told you. Involuntarily, tears begun to well up, and you swiped them away frustratedly. "...yeah. Yeah, that makes sense." You hesitated. "I feel the same, I guess. You're welcome, or something." 

Sean chuckled from the other end of the line wryly. "You're so rude." 

"I'm not rude!" You exclaimed, embarrassed. "Just socially awkward...!" 

"Mhm," Sean grunted, obviously amused, and before long you were chuckling along with him.

There was another silence. This one felt weightier. You searched for something to say, your leg bouncing under your desk uncertainly.

Where were you two supposed to go from here? 

You sighed and stretched your arms above your head.

"Anyway," Sean began after some time. "I think the fact that I'm so desperate to perform well makes me feel as if asking someone for help makes me unworthy or useless. I'm glad that asking you didn't feel that way." 

You smiled briefly. This was the most emotionally adept you'd ever heard him be, and it was on a Discord call at eight or so in the morning. "Good," you said at last. "It would really suck of me to do that to you after all of this."

Sean laughed again, but it was warm and sweet as if he'd crushed a honeycomb between his teeth. "Yeah, it would." 

Silence. Comfortable silence. You could hear a dog barking outside your window.

"Well," you said after a while, "I think that I'm going to go to sleep now. You're great and all, but it is sort of your fault that I'm exhausted right now." 

"Right, yeah, yeah, of course," he replied hastily, as if itching to accommodate you. "We'll chat tomorrow or something, yeah?" 

You grinned.

"Yeah, I think we will." 


r is typing...

> Hey guys. Sorry for disappearing yet again. 

> To be honest, I've been having a really hard time.

> Especially with coming up with the motivation to keep writing this story.

> So be honest with me. Are you enjoying your stay here? 

> I hope so.

> I'm really excited for what I have planned for the next few chapters.

> I think that you're going to be just as pleased as I am.

> ...

r is offline.

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