Li'l Floppy Dick

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You sighed, rolling out of your bed. 

Of course, this time it was absent of any Sean-iness. He was sitting up on the bed next to yours, rubbing his eyes while scrolling through his phone. 

 Thankfully, finding a hotel room for the two with two beds  had proved easy after explaining the right specifications for both of your needs. It hadn't taken very long to book a room as soon as possible when the two of you landed in San Francisco.

San Francisco. 

You shifted into a seated position, lazily gazing out the window. Your vision was blurred with tiredness, and even then the brightly colored rows of houses were more gorgeous than in your wildest dreams. 

"G'morning," your friend mumbled from his sluggish positioning. 

You tilted your chin up in his direction as a sign that you had heard him. He returned the gesture before returning to his phone. 

After you had finally worked up the resolve to go and get dressed, you walked out of the bathroom to find Sean waiting for you by the door. "I was thinking you me and Mark could go and grab some lunch together. That way he'll be more familiar when we go to the convention together." He grinned at you in that friendly manner of his. 

You couldn't help but feel ironic amusement tugging the corners of your mouth into a smile. Of course, you were incredibly familiar with him already. That's what was making you so nervous. 

The anxiety was almost overwhelming at that moment. The fact that you had spent almost an hour deciding between the green shirt and the red shirt. The fact that you had gazed at yourself in the mirror for what seemed like ages, desperately attempting to cover up your flaky, dry skin and unhealthily baggy dark circles. That never used to happen before. 

This whole ordeal had to be perfect.  You were meeting someone that had been a pinnacle piece of your life since you were an insecure, awkward teenager. Not that much of those qualities had disappated yet. Which is probably why you were still so certain that something would go wrong. What if you spilled something on him? What if you tripped and got hurt and ruined the entire outing? What if you made an offensive or unfunny joke? 

"H-hold on," you stuttered lightly as you picked up your phone. "I promised that I'd call Caspian today to let him know that we got here all right." That last part was a lie. Obviously. But despite the vibes that you two had parted ways on, he was your best friend. And he might have been the only person who could calm your nerves to a suitable dull roar, so to speak. 

Sean nodded, turning and sitting back down at the foot of his bed. "All right. Take all of the time you need." 

You nodded in return. "...don't worry. I'll only be a half hour at most." 

"Thanks, I'll let Mark know," the blueberry man responded, swiping on his phone and beginning to type at what seemed like light speed.

You went around a wall, where there was a small cranny with a bench and a desk for you to sit down at. You sat, obviously, and dialed Caspian's number on FaceTime. 

He picked up at the first ring. 

"(Y/N)? What's up?" He asked, a light look of concern gracing his features. He looked as if he had just gotten home from his classes. "How was the flight? Are you okay?" 

You puffed out a breath of air, half-amused and half-exasperated. "The flight was good. Nothing's up. I just...I sort of need...I don't know? I'm going to go to lunch with Mark and Sean soon. Very soon. That's a good thing! Yes." 

Caspian rolled his eyes. "(Y/N), I love you, but you're not subtle. At all." He shifted so his face was centered in the camera. "What about it's got you so nervous?" 

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