Oh, How The Tables Have Turned

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You could feel a grin on your face. A large one, at that. 

Mark was calling you.

You'd been wondering why ever since his caller ID popped up. Mark usually barely had the time (or energy...) for replying to a text. Why was he calling you?

You picked up the phone just before it went to voicemail.


"Hi (Y/N)!" Mark's easygoing lilt filtered through your phone. You could hear his smile from all the way in Ireland. "Sorry for calling out of the blue. I just didn't have time to text beforehand and ask and this would be quicker anyway and-"

"Cool it," you smirked, cutting him off. "The fact that you seem genuine for once is throwing me off. Whaddya want?"

He laughed. "You know what, fuck you. Never mind, I'm hanging up!!" He yelled, sarcasm practically dripping from his tone.

You let out a light snicker. "I don't have all day, douchebag. Go ahead and tell me what you want to know. What, do you need your permission slip signed or something?"

"Whatever, I don't want to waste any more of my time. So I'll ask." A pause. "Do you-? Um, do you want to play Apex with Sean and I for a bit? We're streaming for an EA sponsorship in like....five minutes." 

You could feel your entire body light up with excitement and, well, flattery. He wanted you to join them? Honest? Gathering yourself, you managed to squirm out a response. "...yeah, that sounds fun. I do want to warn you though, I hope you didn't decide to ask me because you thought that I'm good at the game." 

"What're you talking abouuuut....? .....ehhh, maybe?" 

"For Christ's sake," you rolled your eyes, smirking. "Well, sucks to be you I guess. Let me log on."

"Okay, great!" Mark replied enthusiastically. "I'll add you to the Discord call."

"Epiiic," you agreed. "Bye."


[ click. ]

Letting out a huff of stressed air, you turned in your chair and quickly fired up your webcam and your Twitch profile. Loading up the game, you couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Was this some sort of underlying message that Mark was attempting to convey? You highly doubted it- maybe because you sort of wanted to. The more you tried to envision a relationship with him, you could feel your insides shriveling up uncomfortably at the very thought of it. But weren't you supposed to become giddy or blushy imagining that sort of future with your love interest? You did  like him...right? 

You frowned, annoyed as ever by your brain moving at 200mph. You hopped into the Discord call as soon as possible, hoping to distract yourself by listening to your friends banter back and forth as always. You were greeted by Mark swearing Sean out over...something. You weren't too sure. You waited for him to quiet down before interjecting a quiet, "Hi." into the conversation. 

"Oh my God! Hi! (Y/N)'ll know what's up, guys. (Y/N)!!!" Mark yelled into his mic.

"...what?" You replied cautiously.

"Dark Souls was better than Bloodborne, right?!" He asked desperately, obviously wanting you to back him up in another one of his and Sean's video-game-related arguments.

"...I dunno. I haven't played a lot of Dark Souls, but I have played Bloodborne. And I liked that one." 

"DAMNIT!" He screeched exaggeratedly, obviously playing up his frustration. You smirked. It was entertaining. 

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