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Clary's POV:

I had just been out with Izzy shopping for hours. I have no idea how she dragged me into it considering I hate shopping. My ankles felt really swollen. I guess heels weren't a good idea. But Besides that was feeling tired and a bit sick so I made my way to me and Jaces room. I made it to the door and as I was fumbling with the stuff Izzy had forced me to buy when I heard giggling and you guessed it- moaning.
I chuckled at the fact that Izzy and simon chose me and jaces room to have sex in. I turned to walk to my old room when Simon and Izzy ran past me laughing.
I dropped what I had in my hands.
If they were there then that means.. It can't be. My hand shook as I opened the door a crack to see the man I love canoodling another girl. I shut the door quietly. Shaking, quivering, and sobbing silently. He couldn't know I saw them. He doesn't deserve to ever see me again.
To see me while I'm vulnerable.
I make my way to my old room and pack a small bag I had stashed away from when I first came here.
I packed the necessities like Toiletries,clothes and drawing stuff. I slipped my wallet and my stele into my pocket knowing I would need those later. And grabbed a piece of paper. I then wrote a note to Izzy.

Hey iz <3

I know you don't understand why I left just yet. That's why I'm leaving this note. Jace cheated on me. It's not you fault in any way but I just need to get away from here. Away from him. Away from the memories.
I don't know if I'll ever be back.
If I'm ever introuble I will contact you through our parabatai rune. Your my sister Izzy and I'm going to miss you. I hope to see you again some day.
Stay badass in those 10 inch heels.

Love clary

My hand shook as I wrote that note. I should never have to leave my parabatai but I can't risk anyone knowing where I'm going.
Even though I had no idea where I was going-
I opened my door and walked as quietly as I can down the hall. I still hear Jace and that girl doing god knows what.
I cringe at the fact I used to sleep next to him. I pin the note on izzys door with the little dagger she made me for my birthday. I smiled at that thought.
I carefully grabbed my stele out of my pocket tracing the metal designs on it.
I Drew the portal rune dreading what was next to come. The portal shot from my hand and just hovered there waiting for my arrival into it. I took one last look at the institute, the home I had had for 4 years. I looked up slowly and with no destination in mind I took a step in the portal. Sending me to my new home. Or so I thought.
The portal whisked away and had dropped me at a beach. A nice beach infact. I look up to see the institute of the Bahamas. I only knew this was the Bahamas because of the big sign right in-front of me. I was immediately intrigued by this institute because almost no one keeps records on it since it's so far away and demons can't travel over water.
It's an almost forgotten institute. Perfect for my situation.
I make my way up the long marble stairs and knock on the big wooden door. A girl answers and she look just about my age.

"Hi! I'm Madison! But you can call me maddie. What brings you to the institute of the Bahamas?" She says enthusiastically

It doesn't seem like they get many visitors because she seems very happy to see me.

"Hi I'm Clary fray! I'm from the New York institute. I'm looking for a new start and I wanted to come help our around here." I say hoping I've convinced her.

She looks at me for a moment and then smiles really big. She does a little happy dance and then says

" omg! It's just me and my brothers here. Your definitely welcome to stay since this place is so big! We kinda live alone and fight alone since no one asks about this institute. I think me and you are going to be great friends!"

I almost jump im so happy by her answer.

"I think we will too! And who knows, maybe we will restore the name of the Bahamas institute." I say with a smile.

She invites me in and shows me my room. This place was way nicer then the New York institute. Quartz floors. Better tech. And so much lighting and plants. I could tell I was going to like it here.

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