~trying to forgive~

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Jaces POV
I then walk down a large set of marble stairs. I look through the glass of clary's office and I see Alec and Izzy with clary. The little girl in my arms is peacefully sleeping. I'm debating going in there so I look through the glass for awhile. They all just seem to be talking and not really working on anything so I step into the office.
I feel there eyes slowly shifting to look at the little girl in my arms. She slowly breathes on my chest as she tightens her arms around me.
I know that right now she's not really mine and I don't want to overstep.
I then slowly pass clary the sleeping girl as the warmth she was giving off leaves my chest.
"Thanks for watching her jace" she says hardly being able to look me in the eyes.

"She's my daughter of course I'm going to watch her." I say as I look a little offended.

"Me and you need to talk. I don't care where but we do. Meet my in collettes room after your meeting." I say as I walk out of the office closing the door behind me.

I could feel my anger building up inside of me as I walked towards my daughters room. I cant believe she would keep that from me. My daughter. I definitely deserved the cold shoulder and disappearance. But not my daughter being kept from me.

I then pushed those thoughts away and made my way up the large staircase I had just went down a minute ago. i then walk down two more hallways making it to collettes room. Then something catches my eye.  I glance up to look at something framed on her door.
It was definitely clary's art. How I missed clary's art. It was collettes name with a bunch of colours around it. And a small portrait of collette and clary in one corner.
I smiled and walked into collettes room. Sitting down right beside a coffee table.
I needed answers. More then I've ever needed answers in my whole life.
Clary's POV:

As me and Alec finished up our meeting I saw the look on izzys face. She wanted answers. I could tell. And hell. They definitely deserved some.

"Hey Izzy. Your face is indicating to me you want answers?" I say with a smile as I see her face change to embarrassed.

"Um yeah sorry I guess." She says still looking at the ground.

"I didn't mean to leave you guys. But I knew if I kept in contact with you jace would find me. He is definitely relentless and wouldn't stop at anything to find me. When I left I didn't know I was pregnant. I just wanted to get out of the institute. Away from being reminded of jace. So that meant cutting off contact. When I was here I was welcomed and we all tried to get this institute back up and running. Before I was here it was pretty much forgotten. But As we started to build up the institutes name again I started feeling sick."

Izzy and Alec just looked in shock. But I kept explaining. They deserved and answer.

"That's when I went to maddie. The girl who brought me in. When she examined me we found out I was pregnant.
I wanted to tell you guys but I knew that if I told you. Jace would find out. And I just wanted a new start.
So I gave birth here and kept on running the institute. Untill you guys showed up. And now I'm im here."

I said with a smile. Trying to get them to

I was almost deafened by the silence until Izzy ran over and hugged me
"I never gave up on you parabatai. I knew you would figure it out. And guess what" she said with a smile.
"Yeah?" I smirked back.

"I'm still badass in these ten inch heels." She laughed as she pointed to her feet.
I then laughed to and hugged back. Then Alec spoke.

"I missed you clary- and I'm sorry for what Jace did. But he does need to tell you what happened. He's been so lost ever since you left that I believe that you owe him to atleast hear him out." He said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Yeah I guess." I said back as we all pulled away from the hug.
Then Izzy and Alec just talked about what happend while I was gone. How Luke was doing. And how Simon is engaged to Izzy.
We were having a normal conversation when Jace came in.
He had collette on his chest as she squeezed his torso and burrowed her neck into jaces leather jacket. I wanted to cry at the sight. It was so cute.
He then slowly passed me collette trying not to wake her up.
I then say the first thing I can think of

"Thanks for watching her Jace." I say. I'm looking at the ground out of force of habit. When I get embarrassed that's what I do.

"She's my daughter of course I'll watch her." Jace says back sounding kind of hurt.

I then want to apologize for everything. But yet again he cheated on me. My thoughts were swirling around my head. Before I got to say something jace said to me

"Me and you need to talk. I don't care where but we do. Meet me in collettes room after your meeting."
He then walks out of the door shutting it behind him.
I feel bad for what I had done but now maybe we could both explain things to eachother.
Then my thoughts are interrupted by collette. She's reposting herself in my arms to look around the room. She is shy so she burries her head in a blanket.
"Omg clary she's adorable!" Izzy says as she looks like she dying to meet collette.

"Sweety come say hi to your auntie Izzy and uncle Alec." I say with a smile putting her on the ground.

"Hi Auntie Izzy! And hi uncle Alec!" She says through her pacifier. And then signals she wants to be picked up.

"Mommy your friend is very nice. He held me because my bed was cold." She giggled as she grabbed her blanket.

"Yeah. He's a good guy." I said with a half smile as I passed her to Izzy.

"Mind watching her while I go talk to jace?" I say as collette starts playing with izzys necklace.

"Nope! Definitely not"she says as she tickles collettes neck.

"Thanks" I manage to say as I walk out the door towards collettes room.
Im scared on what he's going to say. Though he has the right to hate me forever I have the right to hate him too. But annoyingly this hate for him is fading every time I lay eyes on him.
Im falling for Jace wayland. A second time.
I mentally face palm.
Geez clary your really screwing your life up.
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