•two months later•

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By now I had started telling maddie my story. And of how I got here. We both agreed that we would change my name to Clarissa vert when I was talking to the clave or to anyone important who couldn't know my identity. Since that was maddies last name and it definitely wouldn't raise any suspicion.
I have been feeling so sick lately and I think I know why. I think I'm pregnant. I just wanted to leave behind my old life and now this is following with me. Jaces baby.
I stirr awake as the light seeps through the curtains of my room. I groan at the sight of the light But then another feeling rushes over me. Nausea.
I sprint to the bathroom and continue to puke out my entire dinner from last night. The bad thing is I know I'm pregnant because of the signs but if I'm going to prove it I'm going to need to go to the infirmary. And maddie runs the infirmary. So then she would know I'm pregnant.
After silently debating in my head for awhile I just decide to go anyway to get it over with.
I mean she would know in a couple months anyway.
I walk down past the stained glass window that I helped design. I still loved art.
the different coloured lights shone onto my white pyjamas. It was magical. I jumped down the stairs to the infirmary. I slowly open the door as I silently hope I don't regret my decision.

"Hey maddie" I say as I walk in on her mixing a new antibiotic.

"Hey clary! How it going. What can I do for you?"
She asks rather politely

I'm annoyed at myself for getting into this mess and having to explain it but I go to tell her anyway.

"Well- I- I was hoping you could do an ultrasound on me.?"
I said definitely stuttering over some words

"For what silly." She looks up with a grin.

At this point I want it over with so I just say. "I um think I'm pregnant? Slash I know I'm pregnant because I have the signs and the baby belly?"

She looks up from her work. She puts her gloves down and runs and jumps and swings me around.


"Well I'm here to see if the baby is healthy!" I say trying to be positive.

Then she decides to bring up a topic I'm not too fond of.

"Clary? Who's the father..?" She asks as she hooks me up to the ultrasound machine.

I look down and then back up, ashamed of what I'm about the say I manage to whisper " jace"

She just says a quick "oh" before telling me the baby is healthy and I'm going to be having a girl.

I wanna cry. A baby girl. She's going to be so precious. Even though Jace is the father, I cant wait to meet her.
•7 months go by•

We have almost completely restored the Bahamas institute name. We are the 3 most popular institute in the world

1. New York's institute
2.Alicantes institute
And then 3. The Bahamas institute!

I am the new head of the institute. Maddie stepped down to do what she loves. Medicine. I'm not mad at the position except for all the paperwork I guess.
I'm surprised more people haven't come to stop by but most of the meetings and partys are scheduled for after my baby is born. So I can definitely not look fat and 9 months pregnant infront of important people.

I almost chuckle at that thought while rubbing my stomach. I miss Jace some days but then try to remind myself he's gone. It's hard but it's the way it is. I sigh and get back to the mound of papers on my desk.
I sarcastically say
" I love being head of the institute so I can do such important paperwork." As I slowly shred the paper. This was my life now.

~the hidden child~Where stories live. Discover now