clave runaways

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Jaces POV:
(It's going to be jaces POV for awhile bc collette needs time to get to know him)

Me and clary were now strapped to a pole in the middle of the training room.
We didn't want to do this but we both know what would happen if we didn't.

clary just sat there. silent. i wasnt much better though.

then collete came running in.
She ran over to us crying. She then tried to wrap her arms around clary to be held. But clary couldn't hug back.
Then collette screamed.
I had never heard collette scream before. By the look of clary she hadn't either.

"Calm down baby it's going to be ok." Clary tried to soothe.

"NO ITS NOT.. it's not. They want to take me away. They think I don't know." She said.

"Don't know what." I chimed in.

"That I'm not special like you guys. I just want to sleep. They talk so much. And are so obvious about the things they don't want me to know." She said defeated. Laying down on my shoulder.

"They don't speak though collette.." clary said. Recalling that the guards didn't speak.
Then I thought to myself.
Like that fat dude who put his grimy hands on you.

"EXACTLY" she yelled. The fat dude hurt my arm." She wined as she rubbed her arm the guard had grabbed
I felt the color drain out of my face. collette could read minds. that's why she knew I liked clary. And that's why she took a liking to me right away. She knew I was her dad.

"Collette what are you talking about?" Clary asked. Obviously lost by her conversation.

"Collette I didn't say that I thought that." I just said. I looked over at clary who was still processing the information.

"What's reading minds?" She asked clueless.
Clary looked like she was going to throw up. The clave would take her. She knew it.
But then clary did something.
A stele appeared in her hands. Physically appeared. We had our steles taken before hand so how did she have one now? She drew a rune on the unbreakable handcuffs and they snapped.
Only raziel had ever broken those handcuffs and the runes created to break things couldn't break the handcuffs. I knew clary could create runes but I never knew she could create a rune like this.

"Clary what the hell.." I tried to say but she yanked me to my feet and grabbed my hand.
She looked like she had a plan.

"Do you trust me?" She asked.

"Yes." I replied back. I trusted her with my life.
She grabbed collette and drew a portal rune.
Just as guards started piling in.
The snobby faces of those guards made me sick
She grabbed me and pulled me through the portal.
We landed on hard ground. A street.
The fresh smell of hotdogs and old gum was a lot to take in after only being by a beach.
We were in New York.

"So running from the clave?" I asked with a smirk. But inside my heart was racing. We're we really doing this?

"Not my finest moment but she's a child."
"Grab what you need from the institute. We need to find a place to stay." Clary said.

"Alec and Izzy should already be back at the institute giving us time to say goodbye." She said as collette hung to her neck.

"I'm coming?" I asked. I was taken aback that she actually would want me to come. But I would do anything with clary.

"Of course your coming jace. Why wouldn't you be. You don't have to if you don't want to. Omg I'm asking you to leave Alec. And Izzy. God I'm so stup.." she rambled but I cut her off.

"I'll go." And with that I walked to the institute with clary. We needed some things there before we could leave, the wall there was silent. The only sound was the cars in the background and out feet on the sidewalk. We could have portaled but the institute had alerts for portals so the clave would know we were there.
We then arrived at the institute. The large doors just in an arms reach.

"so we're really doing this?" I asked who a deep breath out.

"do we have a choice.?" She said softly as she looked down at collette. And she was right. Really didn't have a choice.

"Ok then. Let's go." I said as I pushed open the doors to the institute.
we were now official clave runaways.
I smiled at the fact

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