Chapter 1

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-Ava's POV-

Dear Dave,

My name is Ava, and I am your granddaughter. I know you have no reason to believe me, not when you didn't know of my existence, but my Aunt Jane gave me your email because I want to know you.

My father is Peter, who I know you don't talk to, but I hope you ignore your past with him and respond to this. I'm fifteen years old, sixteen in March and I'm in year 11 at school. I'm doing really well in school, when I'm older I want to be a linguist, other languages have always intrigued me.

Anyway, you don't need to hear me ramble on about that, I hope you reply. And in case you were wondering, no my dad has no idea I'm emailing you, Jane promised not to rat me out and I hope you don't either.


Dear Ava,

I can't believe I have a granddaughter! It is lovely to hear from you though I must confess I have known for a while you would be contacting me, your Aunt Jane asked me if I would be ok receiving an email from you, of course I said yes.

I know I haven't been a good father for Peter, and I have no excuse for that. I just hope he won't be mad at you for reaching out to me. I have missed so much of your life! Fifteen already, you'll be driving soon. I hope your exams go well, although I have no doubt they will. You sound like a bright girl, what are you studying?

Have you considered learning French? I may be a little bias as that is my home country, but it is a beautiful language. As for being a linguist, I have every faith that you can do it.

You do not need to worry about me ratting you out to your father, I have a feeling he would ignore any attempt at contacting him anyway.


Dear Dave,

I'm so glad you responded! Of course, Jane ruined the surprise and told you, but oh well, you responded! If you couldn't tell I am beyond surprised that you did, I'm so happy!

Thank you for having faith in me, even though you don't know me. As for what I'm studying. Maths, English, and Science obviously. Then on top of that I'm doing French, Spanish, Geography, Citizenship and Textiles.

In our school we have to do a tech, but if we didn't, I would have done German instead of Textiles.

I am fluent in seven languages, and I'm working on an eighth. I'm fluent in English, obviously, French, Spanish, German, Arabic, Chinese and Hebrew. I am also learning Italian. Don't ask me why those languages, I have no idea, all I do know is that I like them and am good at them all.


I didn't expect him to reply until tomorrow, and I had finished my homework. I opened my laptop's language app and carried on with Italian.

'How would you ask someone what the time is?'

My screen asked, enabling my microphone.

"Mi scusi, potrebbe dirmi l'ora?" I said to it. Excuse me, could you tell me the time.

It marked me then went back to my home page.

'Do mixed languages quiz' was displayed.

Why not?

'Someone in France asks you for directions to the place on this map, what would you say to them?' Was the first question.

"Tournez à droite en sortant d'ici, prenez la première jonction sur votre gauche puis prenez la deuxième à droite, votre destination est la maison de la troisième à gauche." I said, my computer taking it in and marking me. Turn right out of here, take the first junction on your left then take the second right, your destination is the house on the third left.

"I told you to stop with that stupid language!" My father roared at me, storming in.

"I took it for my GCSE's dad," I said, trying to defend myself.

"You took it because the old bastard that sired me has wormed his way into your brain, he's corrupted you!" My father yelled.

I froze, how did he know that?

"You think you're so clever, going behind my back, but Jane slipped up at lunch today and told me everything, you're grounded." He snarled.

"What have I done?" I asked him, knowing what he was going say.

"You disobeyed me, choosing to learn that damn language when I told you not to, all because of that man who has the audacity to call you his granddaughter," he snapped at me.

"I've been learning since I was six, he had nothing to do with it," I defended, he obviously didn't get the picture.

"I told you not to listen to him!" My father yelled at me.

"I didn't, I learnt it because I wanted to!" I yelled back.

"Go to your room, you are grounded!" He snapped.

I got up from the dining table and ran up the stairs, grabbing some books, not looking to see what they were before I pushed them under my matrass, hidden.

I sat on my bed as my father stormed in, box in hand, it already had my laptop inside, but he also put in my phone and the books on my shelf.

Once he had gone, I let out a long breath and locked my door, then he couldn't burst in. I pulled the books out from under my bed. I frowned, I had never seen these before, nevertheless I sat down and began to read.

The book was titled A Court of Thorns and Roses and was amazing! I had no idea how it got on my shelf, but I really didn't care, I loved it.

The second book was a rollercoaster in itself but the start of the third book made me beyond happy. I wondered what language the Book of Breathings was, I couldn't help it, I loved different languages.

I began to sob as I realised, I was being punished just because I wanted to know my grandfather, I didn't realise that was such a big crime.

I realised my tears have dropped into my book. I grabbed a tissue and tried to dry the pages, but the damage was already done.

As I stared at the running ink it turned gold, lifting off the page. I yelped, dropping the book.

The gold seeped from between the pages and wrapped around me.

I let out a startled cry as it began pulling at me, the next thing I knew it was dark.

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