Chapter 3

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We landed in what I'm assuming is the townhouse, Feyre was sat with Mor and Cassian.

"I take it your chat went well," Cassian said with a smirk as I looked at the floor.

"Ava here has a unique skill," Rhys said, putting a hand on my shoulder, I flinched, and he immediately let go.

"Well, don't leave us hanging," Mor said.

"Ava can talk to Azriel's shadows even though she isn't a shadow singer," Rhys continued.

I felt the eyes press in and my panic rose.

"Really?" Cassian asked.

"من فضلك أخرجني من هنا ، لا أستطيع التنفس ، الجدران تغلق ، من فضلك" I begged Azriel, hoping he would understand. Please get me out of here, I can't breathe, the walls are closing, please.

He looked at me for a second before taking my hand and getting me away from the rest of his family.

He held me close to his chest as his wings opened and he glided down to the House of Wind.

The second he set me down I stumbled away from him and fell to my knees, trying to get air into my lungs.

"Ava, I want you to breathe with me," Azriel said, kneeling a little way from me.

I looked up and he began to breathe in a slow steady rhythm. I tried to copy and found that once I got a few breaths down it became easier.

Once my breathing had evened out, I began to sob, from shame and embarrassment.

"Ava, hey, it's ok," he said, shuffling a little closer.

"Want a hug?" He asked gently once the tears had eased a little.

I mutely nodded and he tucked me against him, I felt so tiny compared to him, but it made me feel strangely safe.

Once the shaking had subsided, I felt inexplicably tired.

-Azriel's POV-

This kid just had a full blown panic attack, and she let me comfort her, I felt beyond honoured. As I was holding her, I felt her shaking body still before she snuggled closer to my warmth and fell asleep against me.

'Everything ok Az?' Rhys asked, again, this time I answered.

'She had a panic attack, she's just fallen asleep, can I bring her back to the townhouse?' I responded.

'Of course, I'll tell the others to be quiet.' He replied.

I carefully stood, making sure she was secure against my chest as I walked to the balcony. She was tiny, and she had barely filled out into a woman's body, I had no idea how old she was, too young to be having panic attacks that was for sure.

I landed silently outside the town house and Feyre opened the door, taking in Ava still asleep in my arms.

She beckoned for me to follow her up the stairs, she led me to one of the guest room and I lay Ava down on the bed, going back to the sitting room to explain myself.

"Everything ok Az?" Mor asked.

"Yeah," I replied, sitting down.

"What did she say to you?" Cassian asked.

"She begged me to get her out, I took her to the House of Wind, and she had a full blown panic attack before falling asleep in my arms, she's upstairs now," I explained.

"What triggered it do you think?" Feyre asked me.

"I'm not sure, she seemed ok in the Hewn City, a little nervous but that is to be expected, then once she was here, she got worse. The staring, we were all staring at her, I think that is what triggered it," I said as I pieced it together.

"Ok, so now we know that for the future." Feyre said, looking a little guilty.

"You should know what I just told the others, when I looked at her memory in the cell the book she was reading, the one that brought her here, was about us, she obviously hasn't said about it for a reason but be mindful of that if she knows things like out names," Rhys explained.

'She needs you,' my shadows whispered.

I melted into the shadows and went to her room, she was shifting on the bed, eyes still closed.

"No, please stop," she muttered to herself.

A nightmare, I realised.

I went to her side and shook her shoulders.

"Ava, wake up," I said, hoping to get through.

She jolted up, fighting off my hands and pushing herself away from me. 

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