Chapter 14

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-Ava's POV-

I jolted awake, seeing that I was on my bed.

Was the war over?

I ran around the house looking for my family but when I didn't see them my heart sank, they weren't back yet.

I changed into the leathers Cassian got me and ran into the streets.

"Ressina, where is the war at the moment?" I asked, running up to her.

"I think they are all in Spring, what is going on Ava?" She asked.

"I got put in an enchanted sleep ages ago and I need to help them, thank you for the info," I yelled at her as I ran again, growing my wings and shooting into the air.

I flew for the Spring Court as fast as I could. As I flew a plan formed in my head.

I was over Summer when I shifted my whole body, growing scales, larger wings, a tail and claws.

My dragon let out a roar as I saw the blood bath that was the battle.

It was easy to identify which side I had to kill.

I saw Cassian and Azriel, both identifiable with their siphons. Then I felt Amren. I landed on a hill, seeing Feyre with her hands on the side of the Cauldon and Amren stood next to her.

Feyre let out a gasp and her eyes flew open. I saw Amren's plan a second before she made her move, so I took a step forwards and picked her up with my teeth.

'Ava?' Feyre asked in to mind.

'The one and only, you can let go of the cauldron now, Amren's plan is stupid and will get her killed, I can do it without getting killed, tell her that I expect her to be alive when I'm done,' I replied, winking at her as I set Amren down gently on the grass.

'Ok, be safe,' Feyre told me, and I nodded before taking off again.

As I flew over Hybern's army I roared a second time before unleashing my fire, burning anyone in its path to ash.

I flew over their whole army, turning them into dust before flying to their ships and burning those until they sunk.

When I landed in the middle of the now empty field where Hybern had once stood I was exhausted, but I didn't care.

Three familiar males ran for me, and I let out a huff. Az gently pet my snout and I nuzzled against him.

Amren and Feyre joined the group soon after, closely followed by Mor and Viviane.

I lay down so I was eye level with them and did my best smile.

"I missed you Ava," Mor breathed, coming closer to hug me.

I nuzzled my head into her stomach and she laughed, apparently understanding me.

'You all good?' Feyre asked.

'Can you link me to them?' I asked.

'You're awake!' Cass exclaimed.

'No kidding, anyway, figured you could use some help when I found I was alone, I flew here and you know the rest,' I told them.

'The scales look just like your tail,' Mor said, examining my body.

'That was the point, I didn't want to be shot down by one of you before I could help,' I replied, huffing smoke out of my mouth.

'The other High Lords want to come over, they are wondering if it's safe,' Rhys said.

'I'd really like to shift back but I don't feel like being stark naked in the middle of a battlefield,' I replied.

The next thing I knew there was a blanket in Feyre's hands. I shifted back, my family covering me until Feyre could wrap the blanket around my shoulders.

"Thanks," I said, grinning at her.

"No problem." She replied with a wink.

"Amren what the fuck were you thinking!" I yelled at her, turning so we were face to face.

"I was thinking that I could save them," she replied calmly, crossing her arms.

"And you thought sacrificing yourself was the best option?" I asked.

"Wait what?" Rhys, Mor, Azriel and Cassian all said.

"Amren was going to shed her fae skin and become the creature under her skin, that much of a change that quickly would have eventually killed her, but she was going to kill Hybern's army first," I explained.

"How did you figure that out?" Amren asked.

"Your notes were in German, I could read them, as soon as I saw you and Feyre with the cauldron I knew," I explained.

"Of course," she grumbled.

"Well, it's nice to see that none of you died in my absence," I said, looking at the rest of them.

"Cass got close," Az muttered.

"Why am I not surprised," I sighed.

The other High Lords made their way over, so I glanced at Rhys.

"You can talk," he said, smiling at me.

"Well, this isn't going to raise any questions," I muttered before they arrived.

"Ava is a shifter?" Helion asked.

"Apparently, but we only figured it out recently, well, recently for me," I told him.

"You do speak our language!" Thesan exclaimed.

"I speak seven languages, this is one yes," I sighed.

"Are you actually sixteen?" Kallias asked.

"Um, how long has it been?" I asked Rhys.

"Two months ish," he replied.

"In that case, no, I'm still fifteen," I told Kallias.

"You are one powerful fifteen year old," Tarquin said, looking me up and down.

"I haven't used any magic for two months, turning into that was a relief," I told him.

"You keep saying something about two months, what happened to you?" Helion asked.

"Enchanted sleep, it was that or dying" I replied, and he nodded.

"We should all tend to our armies and explain that the dragon isn't going to kill them," Thesan suggested.

"And Ava needs to rest a little," Rhys cut in, I rolled my eyes.

"I've been asleep for two months Rhys!" I sighed but he paid no attention, leading me off the battlefield.

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