Chapter 15

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We all walked back to their tents and Mor gave me some clothes to change into. Once I was dressed again, I went to find them.

They were all in Feyre and Rhys's tent, along with some people I didn't recognise.

I went and sat next to Az, tucking my feet under me as I scanned the new people.

"Ava meet Nephelle, Myriam and Prince Drakon," Rhys introduced.

"I need to try out those wings," I told Nephelle, her wings were so pretty.

"So, this is the shifter who saved our asses then," Prince Drakon said, looking me up and down.

"Yes, apparently, I couldn't let you lot have all the glory now, could I?" I asked with a grin at my family.

"You were literally asleep for two months then the second you wake up you decide to dive headfirst into a war, even though you are only fifteen and know nothing about war," Cassian told me.

"Schematics," I sighed.

"You're fifteen?" Myriam asked, eyes wide.

"That I am, although I'm sixteen soon," I told her.

"That dragon was amazing, how did you do it?" Drakon asked.

"I'm from another world and got dragged here not too long ago, in my world we have lots of depictions of dragons, I used them." I told him.

"You just keep getting cooler," Myriam told me, smiling.

"Thanks, now I need to go and find Tamlin, either alive, or his body," I told the group, standing.

"I'm coming with you," Az declared, I just rolled my eyes and walked out.

I felt the residue of the spell he placed me under, so I followed it to the outskirts of the camp.

"Tamlin," I called out gently.

"Ava!" A gruff voice called back as he walked from the trees.

"You woke me early," I said, noting the lack of wounds on him.

"You were our only hope of winning the war," he said, looking guilty.

"Well, I guess I did, so thank you, I know you were a dick to Feyre and my whole family hate you, but I think there is good in you somewhere," I said, walking closer to him.

"Thank you, Ava," he breathed.

"Thank you for letting me help," I said, smiling slightly as I rose onto my toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

When I stepped back, I could see his shock, he looked like he had just been told he won the lottery.

"You ever need someone to talk to Tamlin, and you write to me, I'm happy to listen, I know that some people just need to let it out before they can heal," I told him, taking his large hand in mine.

"If I ever need to, I will," he said, smiling at me a little before I went back to Azriel.

"I will never stop admiring how forgiving you are Ava, you are willing to see the good in everyone," he said as we walked.

"Not Beron," I snorted.

"I don't think there is any good to be found in him," Azriel laughed.

"He's alive," I declared as I walked into the tent, Nephelle had gone but Myriam and Drakon remained.

"That's a shame," Feyre muttered.

"People deserve second chances Feyre, I just gave him his," I told her, sitting down.

"How?" Rhys asked.

"I told him that I could see he was hurting, that if he needed to talk to someone about it, he could write to me because I know some people need to let it all out before they can heal, I just hope he doesn't destroy himself, I can see the good in him under the pain and anger," I said, running a hand through my hair.

"You are too good for this world Ava," Feyre said, smiling at me.

"Tell that to my father," I huffed, thinking back to how useless he thought I was.

"You just did what no one else has been brave enough to do, especially none of us, you spread kindness wherever you go despite the things that have happened to you, do not listen to what your father thinks, he is not in this world, we are, we are your family now, and we all think you are amazing," Feyre told me as she walked over, crouching in front of me and taking my hands.

I bent over so my head rested on her shoulder as I began to sob at the kindness in her words, but also the truth, my father wasn't here, they were, and they all believed in me.

Feyre's arms wrapped around me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"You are all so good to me," I breathed.

"We all love you like a daughter Ava, now sleep, you used a lot of power today," she whispered to me, stroking my hair.

I didn't want to sleep but I was exhausted, so I allowed myself to slip under. 

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