Chapter 4- Big News

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I drifted in and out of consciousness, for a few hours. I could only catch bits of the conversations that people were having around me. 

" What will you tell her?"

" Go to bed son." 

" Poor thing!"

I wanted to open my eyes, but I felt like I did not have the energy.  A voice inside of me was talking, It was like my conscious. It was definitely a girl, but I did not recognize the voice. 

After what felt like an eternity, I finally opened my eyes. At first, I was blinded by the lights. My eyes finally got used to all the light, and I looked around, to some unknown surroundings. My head throbbed in pain. My hand felt a giant bump, and a gasped. 

I felt a shuffle beside me, and my hand was being held ino someone else's. My first reaction was to use my extra hand to slap the person holding my hand. 


My vision was still blurry, but I could see that the person was in pain. 

" I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do."

He was quiet for a while. which allowed my eyes to focus on his face. I gasped. It was him! He was the boy who spread electricity all over my body, just with one graze on my hand. He was the one who made time stop. It was him.

" Allison, I have a lot of explaining to do."

" How.. do you know my name?" 

He sighed, and looked down. There was a moment of awkward silence. 

" Here goes. Allison, you are a werewolf."

At first, it didn't make sense. Why would I be a werewolf? I'm just a normal girl, even though that other night... Then everything came together like a puzzle piece. The wolf staring at me, the incredible speed, the senses.

" Allison, listen to me. When you are a werewolf, you have a mate. A mate is like your husband or wife, but you don't choose them. The wolves choose each other."

Mates? Woah.

" What do mates do to each other?"

" They stick together no matter what. When they fight, they forgive and forget. If one is injured, the other will feel the pain."

Wow. That sounded wonderful.

" And how do you know if you found your mate?"

He smiled.

" At  first, when both of you brush against each other, you feel electricity. Then, you feel like you get lost in their eyes, like time stops..."

He looked me in the eyes, and I felt hypnotised. I was in a trance, and by the look on his face, he was in a trance too. 

I reached for his hand, and he placed it in mine. Tingles spread through my body. I looked up at him.

" Are you my... mate?"

He nodded,and smiled. I felt myself blush, heat rising to my cheeks.

" That explains a lot of stuff."

He got serious again, stopped smiling. 

" I will be the Alpha in a few years, because my older brother has other plans. Therefore, it makes you the Luna, also known as the female Alpha."

My jaw dropped. 

" Say What!?"

He laughed, showing his perfect smile. He so hot..

" Yes, you will be the alpha. Sorry if I have so much to say, but it's important that you know." 

I nodded, a small yawn escaping from my mouth. He smiled, and gave me a peck on my forehead. I could feel his kiss sizzling on my skin, like sausages on a frying pan.

" You need your rest. Tomorrow, the council and I will need to see your wolf. And trust me, you will need all the rest you can get."

I smiled, and felt my eyes droop.

" Good night, my mate." 

He smiled, hearing what I had called him.

" Good night, my beautiful mate."

He walked out of the room, stopping once to stare lovingly at me.

The last thing I saw before falling into a peaceful sleep, was a black figure, which drifted away as quickly as it came. 


She fell asleep, her face still molded into a grin. I scowled silently. How could she be smiling, when the fate of many worlds depends on her??

I slipped back outside the room she was asleep in. My partner stood up. 


" She is awake, and better than ever."

He scowled.

" She will soon know her fate."

I grinned, revealing my sharp teeth.

" She will be destroyed soon. After all, she does not even know what she is capable of. Let's hope that her pack will not notice her... unique personality."

With a flick of a finger, we were off into the moon light, never heard of and never seen,


Woah woah woah!

You might be wondering, who are these mysterious people, with sharp teeth, and discuss about Allison's future? They are.... whoops! I almost gave it away! ;)

Well, we have reached 110 reads, and 1 vote :D I'm very happy! :D Now.. next upload at... 5 votes?

Don't forget to check out the big sisters of this story, Brace Face, and A Boy, A Girl, and A Trip Around the World!

You guys will have plenty of time to get those 5 votes, because I am packing, and will be leaving for FLORIDA in 4 days :D 

I will try and upload, but don't kill me if I don't? :P

Fan, Vote, Comment, Live, Laugh, Love


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