Chapter 15- The Invitation

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After the funerals, everyone in the pack house was pretty depressed. People sulked around sadly, and many even cried. But I don't blame them. 3 very respected people of the pack DIED.

The two only people that didn't look too bad were Tamara, who skipped around the house,smiling like nothing happened, and Connor, who didn't seem to care about anything these days.

Those two are acting pretty odd. And I'm gonna figure out what is going on.

Even though Henry was gone, I would still have to train now, harder than ever, since I could feel a battle coming soon.

It was almost here.

I was currently at the Raina Ring, fighting and thinking. So Raina was my godmother?? Wow..


I wonder what happened to her.


Her and Henry had a thing?


What's up with Tamara? I haven't seen her.. Only time I see her, is when she is RIGHT beside Connor..


Who killed Henry?!


Why would they kill Sophia and Matt?!

I finally stopped, and decided to go for a run instead. I needed to clear my head.

Around the pack house, there was a trail, which I had never been on before. Now would be a good time to run there. My legs went from a light jog to an even lighter walk. The trail was nice and trimmed, with cherry blossom trees on every side. How come I had never been here before?

I inhaled the fresh air. It felt so nice not to worry about something for once.

My whole life had consisted of worries and regrets.

The trail just made me forget about everything.

As if nothing ever happened..


I stopped dead on my tracks.

What if this was supposed to be happening.

What is something was happening back at the pack house..

I need to ask someone.

I inhaled, and started talking to someone who I didn't think I would have to speak to in a while.


"Connor.. Please answer me. I need to talk to you."

"Alli! What's going on!?!"

I gasped. I was talking to Connor. He was talking to me. And he sounds EXACTLY like he usually does.

What do I do?

" You tell me! You've been  ignoring me lately. Please. I need your help with something."

"Anything to help you Alli."

"Alright. So everyone is acting strange, and I don't underst-"

"I don't know Alli. I feel like I just woke up from the longest nap EVER."

"Where are you anyways? How come I never see you?"

No! Not now! Get away!"



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