Part 6

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After a couple of hours, Bucky and Rose are now cuddling and laughing at the tv, Rose's head is on Bucky's chest and Bucky's arms are wrapped around her.

Rose: what time is it?

Bucky:5:20 pm why?

Rose: I'm going to go in the kitchen to make something to eat.

When Rose was about to get up Bucky wrapped his arms around her stomach and pulled her into his lap both facing the tv.

Bucky: we will order food your not getting up your staying here.

Rose; fine but order Thai

Bucky: whatever you want to doll

Rose: thanks bucket

Bucky: bucket?!

Rose: you call me doll so I'll call you bucket

Bucky chuckled and ordered Thai of his phone, Rose stayed on his laps as Bucky, wouldn't let you go off his lap. Rose started to laugh and made Bucky groan.

Bucky whispered to himself: you have now idea what your doing to me doll.

Rose: I need to go toilet can you let me go?

Bucky: I will wait outside the toilet door.

Rose: wait what you don't have to I'm a adult.

Bucky raised his eyebrows : yeah how do I know that your not going to grab your crutches and walk out?

Fuck that's what exactly what I was going to do can be read minds?

Rose:it's ok I don't need to go anymore.

Bucky: that's what I thought now watch the tv.

Rose rolled her eyes and continued to watch the tv with Bucky, she continued to laugh and Bucky continued to silently groan while she did, thankfully they heard the door bell go off.

Rose: it's probably Food I'll go and get it.

Bucky: no I'll go get it you stay here.

Bucky put Rose onto the bed, and he went down leaving Rose by herself.

Rose:why am I so stupid?

Bucky walks in with food in hand: because your a bitch.

He sits next to Rose and puts the food in front of them both.

Rose: shut up motherfucker

Bucky: ok ok but why are you so stupid.

Rose: I have healing powers I can heal myself.

Bucky: what the fuck ok heal your self.

Rose: no I need energy so I'll eat then heal myself.

Bucky: okay.

Both of them eat in silents not awkward but it was comfortable silents, Harry Potter was playing in the background as they both ate.

Rose: I have enough energy to heal myself.

Bucky continues to eat and looks at Rose her hands glow white and she placed her hands on her foot and closes her hands.

Rose smiled: done! I'm going to get up and walk around could you hold my hand, just in case.

Bucky gets up: sure!

Rose stands up and places her hand on Bucky's hand she starts to walk slowly she let go of Bucky hand and walks around.

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