Part 9

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Rose came down to everyone looking at her.

Nat: hey...Rose come sit Tony order Chinese

Nat patted a empty seat next to her telling her to sit, Rose sat down, and awkward silence filled the air.

Tony: Rose Nat was telling me that someone invade the compound do you know who they are?

Rose: they where HYDRA, me and Bucky only saw 5 when Jarvis showed us the live footage, 2 agents where at the front and 3 at the back I handed the 3 at the back, and Bucky handed the 2 at the front, 5 more soldiers came I think it was back up, they surrounded Bucky and I came in and helped him, i locked them up in a secure jail cell.

Tony: thanks for the info I need to ask furry what I should do with them.

Rose nodded and once again awkward silence filled the air, then foot steps came from behind everyone, everyone turn around to see Bucky walking down, Rose quickly turned back around to the tv, Bucky came and sat next to Rose.

Rose: Wanda Wanda can you hear me.

Wanda: yeah I can why we speaking through minds.

Rose: I don't want to speak In front of everyone.

Wanda: oh what's up then?

Rose: Bucky tried to kiss me upstairs and I ran away I really don't want to sit next to him please help.

Wanda: he tried to kiss you and you ran away why!

Rose: well I didn't run away it just that Sam came in before we could kiss, and he told me to come down.

Wanda gave a death glare at Sam and Sam was scared and confused.

Wanda: that son of a bitch fine ok I'll help.

Rose: thanks Wanda.

Wanda: Rose sit next to me I have something to tell you.

Rose quickly rosed up from her seat and sat next to Wanda.

Rose: what's up?

Wanda: do you want to be a game?

Rose: sure!

Wanda: anyone else want to play?

Everyone was bored so the agreed

Wanda: where playing 2 truth an a lie , I'll  start, I love pickles I hate chocolate and I never kissed anyone.

Nat: you hate pickles you despise them.

Wanda: Nat your right we will go in a circle, Steve your next.

Steve: I am 105 years old, I hate Marvin Gaye and I like coffee.

Sam: you adore Marvin Gaye Steve.

Steve: correct Bruce your turn.

Bruce: I ate a snail before, i hate the color green and I have anger issues.

Tony: the snail one that's wrong.

Bruce: Thor your next

Thor: I am the god of thunder, I hate my brother Loki and I had a girlfriend.

Steve: You love your brother.

Thor: I don't love him nor do I hate him I just don't trust him, ok Clint your turn.

Clint: I have three kids. I have a wife and I never said a swear word.

Nat: you never said a swear word completely a lie.

Peter: my turn I have a crush on a Avenger I have a best friend name Ned and I Love horror.

Tony: you hate horror

Peter: no I love horror

Tony: you screamed when we watch IT

Peter: well I was small

Tony: it was 2 months ago Peter

Rose: you have a crush on MJ and she not an Avenger.

Peter: yes correct, wait what?! How did you know that.

Rose: I can read minds kid.

Peter make sense ok Nat your turn.

Nat: I love my sister, I been in the red room and my favorite color is blue.

Rose: your favorite color is Red.

Nat: correct Buck your turn.

Bucky: I love Christmas, i am 106 years old and I have a wife

Steve: come on buck it the last one.

Bucky: yep.

Pietro: ok my turn I love vampire diaries, I can run really fast and I have 2 sisters

Rose: Wanda your only sister Pinocchio.

Tony: do you have nick names for everyone.

Rose: yeah Tony is tin man Wanda is  miss glowy Steve is capsicle Sam is pigeon Bruce if Thor is sparkles Clint is arrows Peter is spidy Nat is red head Bucky is Terminator Pietro is Pinocchio.

Sam: ok immortal my turn, I hate Bucky I have a sister and I love beer

Steve: you hate Bucky?

Sam: yep ok Rose your turn.

Rose: I can't have babies, i have only had 1 boyfriend in my life and my least favorite dessert is brownies.

Nat: you love brownies it's your favorite

Rose: correct.

Sam: you only had one boyfriend.

Rose: yeah but he left 1 week before the wedding.

Sam: maybe you can have another.

That sentence made Bucky mad crazy mad, he shoot daggers at Sam who wasn't t looking at him, he clenched his jaw and made a fist.

Rose: yeah in your dreams Sam.

Suddenly the door bell went off,

Tony: great food here Pinocchio you go get it.

Pietro: be back in a sec.

True to his word Pietro came back after a sec with 2 bags full of Chinese.

Tony: everyone dig in.

Everyone dug in, and ate and laugh, Bucky and Rose kept glancing at each other but quickly looked away once they saw they where looking at each other.

Rose finished and slipped away, she had a shower and got into a oversized t shirt and left her panties on with no pants since the t shirt was bigger enough to cover them, she didn't recognize the t shirt but slept in it anyways, everyone fished up and went to bed.

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