15. Death

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I feel single 😩
Anybody out there who wants to marry me??

Author's POV.

"Why do you call him 'Suga'??"

"Why do you call him 'Suga'??"

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"It's not what you think-"

"You don't need to lie to me Jimin... I'll never judge you.." Jungkook said with a small smile.

"I-" Jimin sighed. "Fine!"

(Jimin's POV.)

I am so happy! I'm turning 12 today!
I woke up so early that day although I didn't sleep the previous night because of over excitement. I rubbed my eyes and looked around.
"Sugar?" I called softly.

"Oh my god

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"Oh my god...what are you doing down there? Come here...!" I snapped my fingers and the cat came running towards me. I jumped out of my bed and picked it up. "Aiggo you're so cute!" I placed a kiss on its head

It only leaned on my chest and let out a happy meow. I looked at the mirror and smiled. "We're both cute, aren't we??" It was my happiest day.

"Jimin!!! Are you awake??" I heard hyung knocking on my door. I ran towards the door with Sugar still in my arms. She was my bestfriend. I love her so much.

"Yes, hyung coming." I opened the door and hyung pulled me into a hug. "Happy Birthday jimin-ah! I love you so much!!" Bogum hyung said and kissed on my forehead. But I could never do that to him on his birthday. I'm too small..i mean short for that.

"Thank you so much hyung and I love you too." I smiled.

"Jimin-ah! Good morning my baby! Did you sleep well?" My mom came to me.

"Good morning mommy! Yes, I did sleep well." I lied. Then i lifted Sugar a little up and she smiled.

"Good morning to you too Sugar!" She patted on her head. "Now let's go downstairs your dad is waiting..."

Both me and hyung followed her downstairs. And there he was, my perfect father. He was waiting on the dining table for us, wearing the same apron that he always wore and was smiling at me.
"Good morning daddy!" I ran and hugged his leg. He was huge compared to me.

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