51. Doesn't care

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Author's POV.

"Jimin-ah...." Yoongi rested his head on Jimin's shoulder with a pout.


"Please talk to me." He wrapped his arms around the younger's waist.
"Please... Jiminie..." He said as he buried his face in Jimin's neck.

Jimin flinched. "S-stop doing t-that..." He stuttered and moved away from the boy.

"Jimin-ah.... I don't know what Jin hyung told you about me but I'm really not-"

"He didn't say anything Yoongi."

"Then why are you-" Yoongi started but Jimin started walking.
Yoongi sighed. "You're still made about that girl, right?" He asked.

"I'm not-" Jimin said as he started walking fast but bad for him Yoongi was a magic genius. He grabbed him in a second and pressed him against the wall.
"Then why are you walking away??"

Jimin closed his eyes trying not to look into Yoongi's. Please don't look into his eyes Jimin...you need to stay mad at him!! He said to himself in his mind.

"Jimin-ah~ I'm sorry..." This was the tenth time of Yoongi saying sorry to Jimin.

"Stop saying sorry Yoongi...." Jimin said his eyes still closed.

"Why are you not looking at me?" Yoongi went closer but Jimin placed his hands between them, his fists almost touching Yoongi's chin.
"Because I don't want to!"

Wow. So he was with me only because I was in that stupid spell! Yoongi thought as he moved away.

Jimin opened his eyes.
I thought you'd kiss me- so you really prefer her over me. He turned the other way.

Yoongi looked back at Jimin but his heart sunk seeing Jimin's back towards him.

Suddenly the situation was filled with giggles and laughs as Taehyung and Hoseok walked towards the boys. "Hey! We were just discussing about the prom...so are you guys going together???" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi's hopes directly reached sky level as he heard those words. There was still a chance. Maybe he could take Jimin as his date and let Rose know that he really moved on. He cleared his throat and walked near the boy again. "Jimi-"

"Tae, I'm going back home, sorry Hoseok hyung....but I won't be able to attend the prom." Jimin spoke.

Tae and Hoseok looked at each other with big wide eyes. "What!?!" They said together.

"Yes... i-i... I'll just go and pack my stuff.... excuse me." He gave a small smile and bowed before walked away from the boys.

Yoongi just stood there with gaped lips. He wanted to speak alot but just couldn't spill out words anymore. Jimin was going back home? But why. Did he do that of a bad deed that Jimin is so angry on him.


"Joonie~ s-stop!" Jin said as he held Namjoon's hands which were on his doing wonders on his chest.

"Why? Don't you like it?" Namjoon asked as he pulled Jin closer pressing their bodies together.

"Don't ask dirty questions to me!" Jin huffed as he tried to push Joon away.

"Aish! Stop resisting!" Namjoon said as he sucked on Jin's neck making the boy hiss in pleasure.

"J-joo~nie~" Jin pulled Namjoon closer.
"S-someone will....see....us~ah"
a moan escaped his lips as Namjoon bit his collar bone leaving a dark hickey. "Ouch!" Jin directly pushed him away. "Are you a vampire?!?"

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