16. Yoongi's idea?

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Author's POV.

"Really!?" Jungkook asked with wide eyes.

"Yes..he did. Do you think I'm lying!?" Tae said.

"Yeah exactly! You're lying."

"Ask Jimin if it's true of not!" Tae huffed. Jungkook looked at Jimin who was lost in his thoughts.
"Jimin-shi.." Jungkook shook him softly.

Jimin blinked twice before looking up at the sky. "three days....after three long days of loneliness-"

Jimin's POV.

I was in my room doing some homework that Tae slide under my door even though I was not responding to him. My was worried as hell. But I just couldn't make myself talk or see anyone of them.

But then I heard my door open. I don't know how they opened it. But someone walked in.

Yoongi's POV.

I was worried sick. I called Taehyung's mother but she said he went to Jimin's and this gave me a bad feeling. I was grounded again. My father just couldn't see me happy, I don't know why! Three days have already passed and all I did these days was read books and think about Jimin.

Everytime I thought about him.. I see those eyes. That were so filled with sorrow when my father said his cat was dead.

 That were so filled with sorrow when my father said his cat was dead

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I can't believe someone like him is my dad.
He even tortures my mom so much and gives her such a bad treatment. I don't know why she doesn't leave him yet. I talked to her about it but everytime she just denied.

I slowly opened my door and hopefully it was not locked anymore. I peeped my head out and almost gasped as I saw my mom standing with a tray in her hands.
"Hi Yoongi!" She smiled but my heart dropped as I saw another fresh bruise on her cheek. He slapped her....again.

She leaned down to match my height. "I'm so sorry baby...you have to go through this again..." Sadness was evident in her voice.

"It's okay mom!" I caressed her cheek. "I'm not upset. It was all my fault anyways...." I felt my eyes swelling in tears.

"Let's go inside. You haven't eaten alot. And plus... I made you bulgogi!!"
My face lit up like a candle after what she said. I took a quick look at the plate and was about to walk in when I remembered what I was going to do.

I held my mom's hand. I knew I will fuck up bad this time but I couldn't help. I needed to see him. "Mom, can I go see Jimin??" I asked and my mom's expressions made me regret.
But she still smiled at me.

"First eat something Yoongi..."

"Mom.... Please.....i need to see him.."

"I'm sure he is okay Yoongi, and your dad will be home soon. I can't take a risk. What if he-"

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