54. Heavens

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Author's POV.

A few minutes ago~

"Eomma! Stay back."

"No! I'm not gonna let him hurt you this time."

Suddenly the room was filled with eye blinding light. All of them closed their eyes. Yoongi and Hoseok were very confused. Hoseok just held Jimin in his arms and prayed for nothing worse to happen but he started to feel light as the Jimin he was holding started to disappear in his arms. Hoseok opened his eyes and looked around but the room was empty. He was shocked.

"What the fuck just happened!?!"


"So you finally did it huh?" Mr. Min said.

Yoongi blinked several times to adjust with the light.
"Where are we!?" He looked around.

"Somewhere away from people my son

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"Somewhere away from people my son...." she smiled looking at Yoongi.

"You shouldn't have done this!" Mr. Min said glaring at his wife with red eyes. He was angry.

"Why?! So that you could lie to him again!?" Mrs. Min scoffed.

"I was trying to protect him!!" Mr. Min replied.

"By keeping me away from my mother!?!" Yoongi questioned. "How!?"

"She is the danger!! I was protecting you from her.." he explained.

"Haa...now you're going to lie to him again...?" Mrs. Min crossed her arms.

"Please tell me the truth!!" Yoongi growled.

"I'll tell you!!"  Both of them said at the same time.

"I will tell him!" Mrs. Min said glaring at her husband. "All this time you thought that I was dead...i was actually in a special cell that your father built for me. He caged me there-"

"A special cell?" Yoongi raised his eyebrows.

"One where no sunlight was available. He kept me there so I could not be able to use my powers anymore..."

"But eomma..you are powerful...and as much as I know you don't always need the sun for using powers."

"I told you she is dangerous. Stay away from her Yoongi!!" He said.

"No! Trust me Yoongi... he's the one lying! I was unable to use my powers because he gave the same lie to me. He said to me that instead of Jimin... y-you were the one who died."

"What!?" Yoongi looked at his father who now looked down at his feet.

"Soon my energy began to lower and he used darkness to hold me in that cell. I was able to see everything..i was able to see what you have gone through and what he was planning but I could never contact you. But I don't know how but someone removed the dark powers from around the cell and I was able to come out." Her eyes were filled with tears. "I'm so sorry baby... you'd to go through so much pain." She cupped Yoongi's face in her hands.

"You saw everything?" Yoongi asked softly and Mrs. Min nodded.

"I-" Mr. Min started but couldn't speak more as Yoongi grabbed his throat.

"Not a word Mr. Min!! Not. A. Word!!" His eyes were dark with anger. "Why did you do that!!?"

"Yoongi listen to me-"

"No!! Answer me!! Why did you do that!?!" He was angry but his eyes started to swell with tears. "I was so lonely. You took Jimin away from me and then you took my mom away from me....why can't you just let me be happy??"

His eyes turned red and then slowly his pupil started to extend turning his eyes black completely.
"Arh!" He closed his eyes.

"I have always wanted to protect you Yoongi!! From your stupid mother!!"

"Stop lying to him!! He is your son! Tell him the truth..." Mrs. Min growled.

"You're the one lying!!" Mr. Min argued back.

"No! You're lying!!"

"No it's you!!"

"Shut up!!!!" Yoongi yelled. "Tell me the damn truth!!"

"Yoongi I-" Mrs. Min started but gasped.
Suddenly black smoke all surrounded Yoongi as his body slowly moved up in the air.

"What is happening!?! Yoongi!" Mrs. Min panicked. "What is happening to him!!? What did you do this time??"

"Hahahaa!!" Mr. Min just laughed.

"Why are you laughing!?!"

"Do you remember when I first told you about my plan....you just laughed at me and said that you'll never let that happen. Psst! Now look here it is! I succeed! I turned him completely into the darkness..."

Mrs. Min looked at him with her eyes wide open. "Y-you... d-did not-"

"Oh I did and in no time he'll be completely taken by the darkness and he'll no more carry any of your qualities. He will be the biggest black magician in the world!!!" He laughed.

"N-no...that can never h-happen..." She took small steps backwards.

"Oh sweetie are you scared now??" He walked closer. "Don't be scared...this world is too cruel to have such sweet and kind people like you... You deserve the HEAVENS!!!" With that he stabbed his wife right under her ribcage.

"Ar- ah~" she tried to pushed him away but he pulled the knife out and stabbed her again.
"Y-yoongi..aa..arh..ah~" she whimpered in pain as her white gown was slowly painted red with her blood.

"Die my dear wife....and let me succeed." Mr. Min said as he placed his wife on the ground. She slowly closed her eyes and in no time her movements stopped.

"Now time for that Park-" he turned around to look at Jimin but he was not there. "where did he go!?!"


Thanks for reading ❤️

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